Hello, editors, so me and the mods have been in the talks about splitting the projects on the wiki into two different 'Umbrella Universes', so essentially, 2D, 3D, and HD Universe projects can still be made, but depending on their content, and what they consist of, will determine whether they fall under the category of each universe. So we first have the OGVerse (not named after me)
The Original GTA FANON Wiki Universe or just OGVerse will consist of all original projects, made by creators who are inactive, but can also include editor's projects who are still active, so e.g. Rock Hill by Sapphire Lad (inactive) will be under this umbrella verse, but TCOS by TheRandomGamer18 (active) can also be in this, because neither contradict each other.
Also, articles like the United States of America fall under this verse, so when this rule comes into action, it will no longer be able to be edited, and new states will not be able to be made,as it will affect older projects. @Lord Kurogane, this means that your Dampford state will need to be moved to comply with these new regulations.
This Umbrella Verse will have more regulations and guidelines pertaining to locations, states, and maps. For example should you intend on editing in this verse, you cannot make your own maps, states, locations, etc. You'll have to use the ones already provided.
The Second Verse is the ModernVerse (name still W.I.P), this Verse will basically be a haven for editors, all the regulations that are in the OGVerse do not apply for this Verse, so you can make your own maps, locations, states, etc. that contradict others. So Lord Kurogane your 'Dampford' State will be here, and Columbia State will be restored to the OGVerse.