Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Once the most popular gun in the world, now a collector's item used by literally no one.
— Ammu-Nation and Social Club description.

The Hawk & Little .38 Snubnose is an unlockable weapon featured in Grand Theft Auto Online. It was added as part of The S.A.H.P. Update.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

The weapon is primarily based on the Smith & Wesson Model 10. Elements of its design also come from the Colt Detective Special. As its name implies, the weapon is a snubnosed revolver, a revolver with a shortened barrel to allow for better maneuverability and concealment.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

The .38 Snubnose, being chambered in such a small caliber, is the weakest revolver in the game, dealing 40 damage. Owing to its shorter barrel, it also has slightly decreased accuracy and lower range compared to other handguns. However, it is the fastest-firing revolver in the game, with a fire rate of 40. Its small size allows it to be used effectively in close-range and indoor combat, making it perfect for close-range combat where other weapons do not suffice, though these situations are generally uncommon.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Rounds & magazines GTA Online


Rounds (24) $48


Grand Theft Auto Online[]


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • The .38 Snubnose has unique animations. The weapon is held in the player's right hand when not in use (similar to Trevor Philips' handgun animations), and its aiming animation has the player hold it out in one hand, a stark contrast to the Weaver stance used for other handguns.
    • However, NPCs will hold the .38 Snubnose like other handguns.

See also[]
