Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Aircraft Parts are a series of missions featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Mach Limit update.


The workshop in the Hudson Island Airbase also acts as a business, a business that takes parts from “decommissioned” aircraft and sells them off elsewhere.

Supply missions and all related activities can be operated as part of a Motorcycle Club or Organisation.

The general activities are very similar in nature to the Smuggler’s Run missions.

Salvage Parts[]

As there is no option to actually buy aircraft parts, they must be stolen/salvaged. A salvage mission can be started by calling Dallas Carson or triggering them from the computer inside of the workshop. Once activated, the player will spawn outside of the workshop alongside their last used Personal Aircraft (or alongside an R-67 Stalker in the events of one specific mission).

The player will be given 30 minutes to complete the mission and can die as many times as they want, however in the events that death inadvertently causes an important vehicle or cargo to be destroyed, the mission will fail.

The workshop can fit 25 slots of Aircraft Parts, so a total of 25 Salvage Missions can be performed before completely being stocked. However more Aircraft Parts typically means more vehicles are required, causing a challenge if done solo.

Salvage Missions have a cooldown of 5 minutes which is initiated upon completion.

Salvage Parts Mission Types[]

Salvage: Military Attack[]

The player must intercept a military convoy and steal a Barracks containing supplies. The Barracks must be delivered to the specified dropoff point, where it will be carried away by a Cargobob.

Salvage: Scope-Out[]

The player must utilise an R-67 Stalker to locate a shipment of aircraft parts using its infrared scanner. The shipment will be marked on the map and the player must steal it and take it to Sandy Shores Airfield, where it will be loaded into a Titan.

Salvage: Dogfighters[]

The player must use their personal aircraft to shoot down another aircraft. The surviving parts will be collected by a Cargobob and taken back to the airbase.

Salvage: Unidentified Crash[]

The player must make their way to Paleto Bay where they will find a crashed UFO. Upon marking it with a flare, it will disappear, and Dallas will call the player reporting that the workshop looks “more full than usual”.

This mission can only be activated between 21:00 and 03:00 and has a very low chance of occuring.

Sell Parts[]

Once any Aircraft Parts have been delivered to the workshop, the player has the option to sell them to buyers. The player is tasked to use various vehicles for these missions, depending on what is required.

Sell Parts Mission Types[]

Sell: Highway Transit[]

The player must collect a truck from the coast and drive it to the buyer’s location while evading enemies.

Sell: Illicit Cargo[]

The player must use a Titan to drop off the supplies at various locations while avoiding ground and aerial attacks from rival factions.
