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Angie Offredi is a character in Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf and the underdon of the Heartworks Mob.


Angie is a diligent, resourceful, and patient woman. She is loyal to the Heartworks Mob and her family. She'll not hesitate to eliminate any threats to the Mob and will always reward disloyalty with violence.

She is not without flaws though as when she fell in love for Tristan, she became irrational and attempted to have Heather murdered thinking she and Tristan hooking up behind her back. However, she is aware of her flaws and always makes up for any mistakes she makes because of them.


After agreeing to pay off the damages caused by Caroline; Angie has Tristan escort trucks loaded with Opium and LSD to their lockup and gets him to distract the Bureau of Narcotics by destroying their trucks as they conduct their drug deal. She accompanies Tristan as he is sent to stop the South Aiden Pork Rangers from stealing truck rigs filled with ethanol.

Angie begins to fall for Tristan Kirby after working for and with her, however, Tristan is unaware of her feelings and does not reciprocate.

