Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki


Top Down City is free update included in Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes. In this update, players can play lots of new missions for gangs. Also, some features are added for playing those missions.



  • Jesus Saves will be located with cyan arrow, like gangs' payphones.
  • Multiple arrows for objectives will be colored with various colors.
    • Enemies/Targets will be marked with original pink arrows.
    • Allies will be marked with blue arrows.
    • Destinations will be marked with orange arrows.
  • Like Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, players now can interact in several missions with small puzzles including Bulls and Cows, Sliding puzzle and others.[1]
    Now I'm not sure. Is it necessary, interesting or possible?
    • Opening locked gate of buildings, vehicles, containers, etc.
    • Arm/Defuse bombs
    • Deactivate alarm systems
    • (etc)


  • Lots of buildings will be decorated with neon signs or others to show themselves as gang fronts, landmarks, etc. But players cannot enter nor use them because they will only work as destinations in missions.

For more information, see Anywhere City Access/Taxi Driver.


  • All vehicles will be appeared in every districts.
  • Max Paynt will paint vehicles with every colors, including gang colors.
    To do this, Max Paynt is moved far right of garage. When players bring the vehicle into Max Paynt, player will be teleported into color selecting zone on the garage and they can select their favorite colors via stepping into panels.
    • Left panel : Previous color
    • Right panel : Next color
    • Upper panel : Confirm
    • Lower panel : Cancel (just repair and exit)
  • TBA!


  • New gangs or organizations will be appeared, but in missions only. Therefore, players cannot take nor lose their respect. They will wear purple clothes, color of neutral zones, based on GTA2 official maps.


Vehicle Missions[]

Players now can play Vehicle Missions via riding specific vehicles. Notice that specific missions appear after completing previous ones. If players blasted these vehicles for missions, they must visit the place again until vehicles will be spawned again.

For more information, see Anywhere City Access/Vehicle Missions.

Taxi Driver[]

Players must bring passengers to their destinations, like 3D Universe. There's a time limit used in Kill Frenzies and other missions.

For more information, see Anywhere City Access/Taxi Driver.


Players can run their own gang and play some missions.

For more information, see Anywhere City Access/Mercenaries.


  1. However, because of graphics, they won't be moved smoothly. They could be interacted like DOS adventure games.
Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes (edit)
Anywhere City
Update Anywhere City Access (Vehicle Missions / Taxi Driver / Mercenaries)
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Inside (Mission Updates / Outfits / Locations) | Last Man Standing | Upstate Liberty?
Missions Peter Wong | Dustin Darkel | Minnie Wayridge | Barbie River | Genesis Newton
Heists Shoreside Stalemate | Art for Art's Sake
Activities Fashion-Forward
Vice City
Update Vice City Inside (Outfits / Locations) | Carrot and Stick
Missions Mr. Black | Steve Scott | Mike Gullick | Yasmin Yellowhorse | Joshua Bishop | Samuel Deever
Heists Birth of Pink Swan | Alpha and Omega
Activities Ocean's Elevation
San Andreas
Update San Andreas Inside | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Sean Johnson | Kendl Johnson | Cesar Vialpando | Guo Ping Xing
Heists Ballas Strikes Back | The Zombotech Heist | Digging the Truth | Death of Pink Swan
Activities Entertain the Dragon
Liberty City
Missions Salvatore Leone | Elliot Ball
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Revelation (Customization / Interaction / Stealth) | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Cousin's Cavalier | Arrival of Avenging Angel | Done in 60 Seconds | Big Picture
Online L.C. Noire Vol.1 | L.C. Noire Vol.2 | (TBA)
Los Santos
Concepts USICO Database (List)
Strikethrough means patches and DLCs being developed or discontinued