Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
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Audrey Harding is the tertiary antagonist of Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf and secondary antagonist to Samantha Douglas.



Audrey became the Lieutenant Governor of Lincoln in 2011 and has become a popular with state. She became a candidate for the 2016 Presidential election, but withdrew for unknown reasons. Six years prior; she began leading a Cyber-Terrorist Cell known as the #PURIFIERS and has used her influence to manipulate the populace.

Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf[]

Audrey meets Sam after she apprehends a Cyber-Terrorists and later meets her again when several members of Yutes try to compromise Cecilia's team. Audrey later betrays Cecilia and Sam by pinning the death of Angela on the two and has the entire CyberCime Division disavowed for their actions.

Her complex is raided by a disguised Tristan along with a few NOOSE agents (or FIB impersonators) in order to allow Tristan to discover evidence of Audrey disguising her men as FIB to frame Samantha for murder.

She later meets with Tristan while he is working with vigilante and supports his actions in secret while giving him targets to take down while pretending that they have committed serious crimes. It would seem that she remains unaware of Tristan involvement of her complex or Tristan's knowledge of her actions against Samantha.

Mission appearances[]
