Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Tactical shield used to block bullets and projectiles. Basically a riot shield but better. Comes with a specially-designed pistol.
— Ammu-Nation and Social Club description.

The Ballistic Shield is a special weapon featured in Grand Theft Auto Online. It was added as part of the Air Superiority update. Featured alongside the Ballistic Shield is a specially-designed pistol, known internally as the Shield Pistol.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

The shield appears to be a fictional design based on a generic ballistic shield, painted blueish-black. There is a small slit with bulletproof glass at about eye level, allowing the player to look in front of them while in first person. The front of the shield has small white text reading "N.O.O.S.E.", while the back features a small grayscaled NOOSE emblem near the handles. If the Tactical Light attachment is added to the weapon, an LED light will be added below the slit; this light cannot be broken and functions as a regular weapon flashlight would.

The Shield Pistol appears to be based on the Heckler & Koch USP, with elements of the SIG Sauer P226 and Glock 26.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]


The Ballistic Shield is a very unique weapon: as its name implies, it is a large ballistic shield used to protect the player from frontal attacks. When equipped, the player holds the Ballistic Shield in the player's left hand, at their side. When aiming, sneaking, or in combat, the shield is held in front of the player. The shield physically protects most of the player's body. When standing, the shield is held so the slit is at the player's eye level, exposing part of their legs; however, when sneaking, the shield will be low enough to block most of the player's body aside from their feet. The shield offers significant protection, blocking bullets from almost all weapons and bouncing thrown projectiles away from the user. The only weapons that can pierce the Ballistic Shield are the Minigun, the Heavy Sniper, the Unholy Hellbringer, the Widowmaker, rocket launchers, vehicle-mounted weapons, and any Mk II weapon equipped with Armor Piercing rounds or Full Metal Jacket rounds. Explosions, fire, melee attacks, and anything that can trip or ragdoll will also completely ignore the shield. The shield user is also still fully vulnerable to bullets, and they can easily be killed by an enemy attacking from the rear or sides.

Due to the Ballistic Shield's size and nature, players cannot take cover or enter a vehicle while it is equipped. It will also be unavailable for use while the player is in cover. If the player somehow manages to take cover while using the Ballistic Shield, or they enter a vehicle with it equipped, they will automatically be unarmed. The only vehicles that allow the Ballistic Shield to remain equipped are those that allow passengers to hang on the side of the vehicle, such as the FIB Granger; in this case, the shield will be placed in the player's free hand, pointing outwards, and the player will be treated as though they are unarmed, being unable to aim or reposition the shield unless they switch weapons or exit the vehicle.


The Shield Pistol is statistically the same as the Combat Pistol, albeit with less accuracy and aiming zoom due to the player's inability to use the weapon's sights. It also has a somewhat smaller magazine compared to other pistols.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Rounds & magazines GTA Online


Rounds (20) $110
Default clip (10 rounds) Default
Extended clip (20 rounds) $5,750
Tactical Light

(Aids low light target acquisition.)


(Reduces noise and muzzle flash.)



Grand Theft Auto Online[]


  • According to the Rockstar Newswire, the Ballistic Shield was intended to be released in The S.A.H.P. Update.
  • A prerelease screenshot of the Ballistic Shield had a slightly different design, featuring a different Tactical Light with black protective bars surrounding it. The front of the shield read "POLICE" rather than "N.O.O.S.E.".
  • Melee hits with the Ballistic Shield use a unique animation, consisting of a hard bash with the shield. During this animation, the shield loses its bulletproof qualities until the animation ends, allowing bullets to pass through the shield. It is unknown why this happens.
  • Bullets that hit the shield's bulletproof glass will spark as though they are hitting metal.
  • The Shield Pistol does not appear alongside the Ballistic Shield on the Ammu-Nation wall.
  • The Shield Pistol has engravings on the slide that identify it as chambering 10mm rounds.