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Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
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Basic Squad
Locations: Valet Skateboard Park
Leader: Unknown
Type: Gang
Enemies: Violet Flames
Affiliations: The Terrible Sixteens
Colors: Black & Dark Grey
Vehicles: Faggio
Weapons: Baseball Bat
Businesses: Harassment
Members: Unknown

The Basic Squad is a minor gang that operates in the State of Uzumati.


The Basic Squad is a minor skateboard gang established around the same time as The Terrible Sixteens. The gang are mostly known for their trespassing citations due to skateboarding on private property. Additionally. they have been known to harass and stalk private citizens on private property as well as endangered others while skating in public established.

They are comprised of mostly members that are 20 or over. And while others think that they are allies with The Terrible Sixteens - in reality, they merely put up with them.

Design and Description[]

Some members of the Basic Squad were black hoodies, dark grey jeans, and dark grey sneakers these members either White Americans, African-American, or Latino. While - some members were dark grey punk-rock themed shirts with sleeve tattoos, dark grey baggy pants, and dark grey sneakers - these members are either White Americans or Latino or both, while the remaining variant of the gang wears protective gear over a bright yellow shirt, bright red pants, and dark grey shoes - these members are either African-American or Latino or both.
