Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Where opinions collide.
— Motto

Bone County Talk Radio (Bone County Radio) is a mainly conservative radio station in the game Grand Theft Auto: Las Venturas. It broadcasts mainly in Bone County but can also be heard in the upper parts of Paiute and Tierra Robada.


  • Bone County News:
  • Finbar Chronicles: Hosted by Finbar Doyle, an Irishman who mainly just sits back and complains about the desert while talking calls from listeners.
  • Area 54: Hosted again by Marvin Trill after crawling out of his bunker in the desert.
  • Take Back America: Hosted by Erik Johnson. This show consists of the hosts discussing a topic and taking calls from listeners. Some of the topics discussed are the president, gun control, and the war on terror.


See Also[]
