Carrot and Stick is a feature included in Vice City Inside, which is a part of Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes.
In original GTA: Vice City, players never lose Haitians's hostility after becoming enemy with them, since completing "Trojan Voodoo". It's not critical than previous game, but it still can be difficult (and dangerous) to some players trying to complete later or other missions. Therefore this feature is updated for players wanting to explore Vice City without any danger.
It is inspired by Respect system of GTA 2. Also this feature is similar with Last Man Standing, but because only Haitians is hostile to players (except other minor gangs who can still counterattack), this time players have to help other peaceful Haitians and their associates for isolating extremists.
If players complete Cubans' last mission, "Trojan Voodoo", Avery will tell players about 'how to silence bad public opinions' via phone. From that point, players can start these missions at Avery Construction Site.
Players can start the type of missions via choosing them among documents on the walls at the highest floor of construction site. Sometimes there would be limits in each types, so players cannot keep playing same types.
Other (or new) enemies will be appeared as targets or bodyguards, for diversity of each missions.
You can check each target's ID in GTA: VC pedestrian models list.
Generally assassinations or rescues, to get neutral Haitian and other citizens' trust.
- Party Pooper
A notorious Haitian extremist (BMYST) is recently released from prison and his colleagues are organizing the party. Their location is unknown for now - so tail the one of Haitians until he arrives at destination and kill them. - Water and Wine
A businesswoman (HFYBU) is being attacked by Haitian extremists because she suggested logical but too arrogant opinion in local public meeting. Go to the meeting place inside of Havana Hotel and kill every Haitian extremists.
It's inspired by one of Haitian Creole expressions, "Mete Dlo Nan Diven Ou (put water in your wine)", means "take easy."
- TBA!
Collect useful information from enemies and use them in various negotiations.
- Gatekeeping
A friendly reporter is blackmailed by Haitian extremists because they want Haitians are discriminated again and support their actions. They must have wiretapped the victim and collected the materials. Drive a blue Pony with detector and check the surroundings of victim's office. If detect-o-meter is increasing, that means wiretapping device is nearby. Blast 4 devices before timer goes off. - Price of the Face
A Haitian prostitute working for Vercetti Gang is now meeting one of Haitian extremists for stealing their information. Drive her to meeting place at Downtown Vice City and draw Haitian extremists' attention with various acts (killing members, blasting vehicles and others) as decoy until she finishes her job.
It's inspired by one of Haitian Creole expressions, "Achte Figi Moun (to buy someone's face)", means "kiss up to someone."
- TBA!
Simple asset missions without any static profits. However some buildings will be renovated.
- Botanical Guardian
Botanica Carlos Miguel is extorted by Haitian extremists and used as their drug dealing point. Wait until midnight, hide nearby of shop and take some photos of their deals as evidence. If players take 3 photos, Haitian extremists will notice players and attack. Lose their chase and bring the evidences to Avery's construction site.
- TBA!
If players clear all missions, Haitians won't attack the players and Vercetti Gang anymore. However, if players attack Haitians first, they still will react aggressively.
Also players can visit and interact with some stores renovated. There'll be some functions like clothes, vehicles and others.
- Peas and Carrots
Complete "Carrot and Stick" by completing all missions.