Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

All my clients have been a real hit stories. All of them. I swear to God, that this is the first one that is about to turn into a horror tale.
— Christian Bell

Christian 'Chris' Bell is a character in Grand Theft Auto series, a music mogul who appears as a deuteragonist in Los Santos Chronicles - Deadly Discords.


Christian was born in Ludendorff, North Yankton in 1974. He moved to Los Santos in 1992 at the age of 18 to become a movie star but ended up in the music business instead. Eventually becoming a big name in the industry. He later met Penelope Cash and took her under his wing, making her his assistant.

Christian has a younger brother, Tommy, who lives in Ludendorff.

Events in Los Santos Chronicles[]

In 2014, Tommy is deeply in debt for several facets due to his heroin addiction. After many meetings with his creditors, he plans to solve the problem by gathering the money via a big rock concert starring a Finnish band Impotent Insects.

Things don't go problem-free, though. The band gets missing and Chris' treasurer-turned-antagonist tries to foil the concert in hope of claiming Bell Records for himself.

With the aid of Penelope (who basically does EVERYTHING), the band is found, their enemies are defeated and the concert is held.

Mission Appearances[]

Deadly Discords[]

  • Gotta Love LS (Boss)
  • No Money, Mo Problems (Boss)
  • Citizen Bell (Boss)
  • Pedal To the Metal (Boss)
  • For Greater Good (Post-mission phone call)
  • Rescue Ranger (Boss)
  • Lost Boys
  • Haters Gonna Hate
  • Easy Piece (Boss)
  • Misunderstandings (Post-mission phone call)
  • No Encores
  • It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady Sings (Boss)

Killer Instincts[]

  • Clueless


  • Earning Livelihood