The Confederate States of America (simply known as the CSA) was a country in North America.
The CSA was founded in 1861 by several secession states, such as Coronado, Cavelier, Napoleon, Peuplier, Muskogee, Augustus, Tequesta, South Jacobus, North Jacobus, Franklin and Stonewall. It was founded due to the rising tensions between North and South USA, the North was no longer needing to rely on agriculture and farming, as industrialisation happened. So the North no longer needed slaves to work, whereas the south heavily relied upon the farming, agriculture and slaves for their Cotton, Sugar and Tobacco plantations. These differences in culture began to divide the two areas and when Lincoln came into office, the South had enough. The CSA relied on slaves to keep business running smooth in the area and with Lincoln's new law outlawing slavery, the South began to have tensions with the laws put in place with Lincoln in charge. The southern states seceded and created the Confederate States of America or CSA for short, it was to be run by it's own government and would have a different set of laws, contrasting to that of the USA's.
The South was led by Jefferson Davis a former senate for the USA, he was against Lincolns rules and claimed that the south should lead their own destiny. This encouraged a lot of Southern states to begin to secede. Davis' speeches and leadership was enough to make him automatically be chosen to become the President of the newly founded Confederate States of America. He chose Hansen A. Clarke as his vice president, Davis was sworn in as president on January 10th 1861. Davis would also use his persuasion of freedom and the right to own slaves as way of getting more southern states to secede and join the confederacy. He was successful in doing this, which led to him earning a high reputation in the southern states.
When the Confederate States seceded they started their own economy and currency, their currency was called the Confederate States dollar, it wasn't backed by any assets or goods, only the right to pay the bearer. The economy grew quickly due to slavery and labour. The economy was vast and was spread throughout all states under the Confederacy, but as the War started to tilt towards the side of the North, the currency lost value and continued to lower until it was deemed obsolete by the end of the war. The dollar took the style of greyish-green rectangular sheet of paper, which gave it the nickname 'Greyback' adjacent to the 'Greenback' US Dollar. The CSA Dollar had various designs ranging from Governmental and Historical figures to Greek Goddesses. On the top of most CS bills, the text "After six months of the ratification of Treaty of peace between the United States and the Confederate States.".
Civil War[]
The Civil War started on February 21st 1861 when the CS Army troops fired on the union owned Fort Inca in South Jacobus, which was a state under the CSA. This was known as the Battle of Fort Inca, the first battle of the Civil War The USA declared war soon after. Many of the CS Troops were untrained and had no supplies the raid on Fort Inca helped boost their weaponry and equipment, weapons such as Shrewsbury Muskets were stolen and helped gain more arms power. Battles were fought in states such as Stonewall, in an attempt for the Unions to take the state. Union soldiers managed to take control of the West side of Stonewall and soon the centre of the state. Confederate Troops were easily beaten by the much larger and well trained Union troops but soon after, Confederate Soldiers under the command of General Landon Johnson managed to resist and push back US Troops to the West, reclaiming the Central of Stonewall. General Johnson used unique tactics such as, using Stones and Rocks as walls of defence against attacking Union Troops. This earnt him the name Rockwell Johnson, among the public and fellow troops.
Soon after Union troops were pushed back to Western Stonewall, This was one of the first major Confederate victories on the battlefield. With around 2,000 total casualties. Around this time, the CSA was the biggest cotton manufacturing country in world and exported a lot of it to Europe, mainly UK and France. The US knew that if the CS would keep trading cotton to other Countries, they would create a good relationship with them, who in turn could help them win the war. So the USA Navy created a plan to block all CS Naval ports, which would prevent exports from leaving the country. This plan was called the Anaconda plan due to it's snake like shape spanning from Stonewall to Coronado.
The CSA gained the lower half of Nuevo Durango territory, with this control, the CSA turned that portion into Primavera territory. The CSA won many battles in this are which strengthened their influence over the new territory. Around this time, Confederate General Jackson was shot and killed by his own troops. Many stories and rumours surfaced about how he died but the most factual and popular one was that he was on his horse late at night, then two drunken CS Troops saw him as he had his lantern, but they still shot at him even when he said his name. Said CS Troops disappeared without a trace afterwards. To make matters worse, Union General Thomas Cummings had won multiple battles in south Cavelier, he, General Ulyesses S. Grant along with other Union generals had managed to push through the Muskogee river. This created a split in the CSA, with Coronado and Cavelier on the west side and the other states on the east side.
1863 saw indescive battles between the union and confederate forces, the US Troops did manage to win the battle of East Valley in Western Stonewall, which pushed CS troops back even further. Around this time, many citizens of the Western half of Stonewall began protesting to split from mainland Stonewall, many of these protesters were also pro-union supporters and wanted leave the Confederacy. Delegates from North-Western Union controlled Stonewall counties also voted to split away from Stonewall. After the union won the Battle of Huron River, on the 12th of June 1863, the state of West Stonewall was created, becoming the 35th US state and the only state to breakaway from a Confederate State. With multiple losses, General Robert E. Lee decided to plan out a full-scale attack on the Union, deciding to attack the small town of Wordsworth, Shawnee.
On July 1st 2863, General Lee, along with 100,000 CS Troops marched on Wordsworth, planning on gaining access to Livingston, D.C. after. 120,000 US Troops, led by General Joseph Wilhelm charge on Wordsworth. The Battle of Wordsworth commences, General Wilhelm attacked Lee's troops directly Gen. Lee sent 20,000 troops, under the command of Lieutenant General Norman Taylor south towards Calvert, leaving 80,000 troops up against Gen. Wilhelm's 120,000 troops. Lt Gen. Norman's troops were stopped by the 15,000 strong 9th Calvert Infantry, the two sides fought it out on the Calvert-Shawnee border. The Union troops used the Rockwall method, the method used by that of Gen. Rockwell Jackson. The method won them The Battle of Northen Calvert and The Battle of Marsh. This luck wouldn't last long, as back in Wordsworth, General Lee's troops were getting the better of General Wilhelm's troops, winning the Battle of North Rock, which saw 2,000 CS Troops and 2,500 US Troops die in battle.
Despite this loss, the US Troops didn't accept defeat and Gen. Wilhelm knew the Confederates couldn't continue losing men, as their troops were limited. If he kept giving them blows, they would eventually have to surrender. General Wilhelm sent Lieutenant General Monterrey Jones to battle against CSA Lieutenant General Lance Harrison. The Battle of Village was a Union victory, which resulted in 1,000 US deaths and 3,200 CS deaths.
Gen. Lee finally engaged in war against Gen. Wilhelm on the streets of Wordsworth, this would be known as the Battle of Wordsworth and is the most popular battle of the Civil War. Gen. Lee's 74,800 men were up against Gen. Wilhelm's 116,500. Lee's troops marched to the northern most point of the town, but being reppeled by the Union forces, the CS Troops were pushed back until they were on the Calvert-Shawnee border, the two sides continued to have indecisive battles on the border until 50,000 Union Troops from Alderney came to support the Union cause. This now meant that Lee's 74,000 men were up against 156,000 Union men. Lee still decided to take his chances and charge right through the Union Troops. When Wilhelm's 156,000 men and Lee's 74,000 men came head to head for the last time, the result was a bloodbath, leading to 50,000 CS Troops dead and 30,000 US Troops dead. This was and still is one of the most catastrophic battles in American History. General Lee's 20,000 troops had to retreat. Lee's distruaght at this major loss, and apologised to all his men when they were leaving the town. The first battle on US soil was seen as a CS failure. Despite being a Union victory, many losses meant that General Wilhelm's troops had to be supplied with more weapons and men.