Contact: Cesar Vialpando is a DLC included in San Andreas Contacts '92 Pack, which is a part of Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes.
Cesar Vialpando is the leader of Varrios Los Aztecas, the close friend and brother-in-law of protagonist Carl Johnson. For more information, see Cesar Vialpando in GTA Fandom.
He'll provide various missions about gang management, arms trafficking, vehicle business and etc.
Updated Missions[]
Updated missions are contents reinforcing main storyline via adding new missions or upgrading previous missions in the final version of the game.
Enemy of My Enemy[]
Note: This mission can be played after completing Cesar Vialpando (mission).
Although Cesar said to his friends and Aztecas members that CJ is a good friend of his, but some of them still thinks CJ is a joke. So CJ should show himself for them by taking Jose's Broadway back from Los Santos Vagos, at Los Flores.
King in Exile[]
There's no change in cutscene. But when cutscene is ended, CJ should meet Cesar's friend, Sunny, in Verdant Bluffs to check if Cesar is right or not. When CJ met Sunny, Sunny will tell him about Big Smoke's new business with unknown syndicate. CJ have to go to Big Smoke's Crack Palace and tail Big Smoke's courier until he arrives and meets the courier from unknown syndicate at Fallen Tree. After it was revealed as truth, CJ enrages.
Note: These missions can be played after completing last story mission, End of the Line.
Out of Hospital[]
Cesar wants to meet Hazer injured during the Varrios-Vagos gang warfare, at All Saints General Hospital. After CJ brings Cesar and Gal to Hazer and Hazer gets in CJ's car, the ambushed Vagos members try to kill them. CJ must lose them and go to El Corona, while Cesar and his friends are shooting chasers.
Strength from Unity[]
To celebrate Hazer's back and revenge to Vagos, Cesar wants to interrupt Vagos meeting at Unity Station. But as soon as CJ and Cesar arrive at station, Vagos members will flee with their motorcycles. CJ must chase and kill them through railways and tunnels with Cesar's help. Yeah, it's similar with Wrong Side of the Tracks But they're too fast, so CJ actually cannot kill them until they arrive at Flint County.
Carrera De Ratas[]
Cesar heard that some drug dealers wants to sell their products and there're lots of buyers, including Vagos. So dealers suggest a fair competition - a race. CJ must win a race against buyers from Red County to Whetstone. In the middle of course, Vagos cheaters will attack CJ and other racers, so CJ have to finish race fast while evading them.
She's the Good Sister[]
Kendl asks CJ to bring her to Gaydar Station for meeting her recently-made friends. CJ kids on that but surely Kendl rages against his stupidness. Maggie Johnson,[1] one of Kendl's LGBT friends, and her colleagues start a parade to show themselves peacefully - but the haters and hired gangsters, San Fierro Rifa will gonna attack them. For the purpose of LGBTs, CJ must push the obstructors away by using Fire Truck without killing them.
The name of mission is a reference of second chapter in Max Payne 3.
It's a Drive or Shoot, Sister[]
After finishing the parade successfully, Maggie invites Kendl and CJ to their party. CJ jokes and is scolded again by Kendl. After CJ gets on the Coach and take everyone including Kendl and Maggie, San Fierro Rifa attacks them again. While Kendl is driving the bus, CJ must shoot the chasers off before the bus blows out. CJ will change his position each time after cutscenes - but the enemies are becoming stronger, including armed helicopter. After the bus is finally crossed the Gant Bridge and arrive at El Quebrados of Tierra Robada, the chasers are gone.
The name of mission is a reference of tenth chapter in Max Payne 3, like above.
Big Trouble in Little China[]
While CJ is carrying the packages for renovating garage, Cesar calls him urgently because he heard that unknown hispanic gangsters are rioting at Chinatown. CJ must arrive at there in limited time and kill them all with Cesar. After that, survived one will steal the Tanker and flee. CJ stay on the left of Tanker until Cesar jumps and steals it like original mission.
The name of mission is a reference of a film with same name.
Long Live the King[]
For the conclusion of the gang warfare with Vagos, Cesar plans to attack the Vagos's headquarter - East Beach Apartment between East Beach and Las Colinas. Because of their high alert, CJ must fly with Maverick and jump while Cesar is driving it. After landing on the roof, CJ must wipe out the Vagos leaders within the limited time. Cesar will be back to rescue and bring CJ with Maverick when CJ finishes every of them.
Mr. & Mrs. Vialpando[]
Now Varrios find the peace, so Cesar wants to satisfy his long-cherished desire - marrying with Kendl Johnson. CJ teases Cesar but agrees to help him. CJ have to buy suits for Cesar at Didier Sachs and bring him to Kendl waiting at Ocean Flats Cathedral. After wedding is finished, Vagos and lots of their hired gunmens attack the cathedral and Cesar is injured. CJ must stop them with Sweet before they trespass into church and kill Cesar and Kendl - Cesar's health will be drastically decreased if any Vagos member or gunman is inside of church. And sometimes some hired gunmen attack with sniper rifle or RPG-7 at the rooftops of nearby houses, so be careful.
Chronologically, this mission occured after "Sweet Dreams", last mission of Contact: Sean Johnson.
- After completing mission "She's the Good Sister", a nameless and small bar will be spawned and accessible at the right of garage. But it uses same interior with The Welcome Pump, players cannot do any activities inside. Instead Wardrobe appears at the back of bar, so CJ can change his clothes.
- ↑ She has no connection with CJ and other Johnsons, it's coincidence. Also she was born in Jamaica and moved to Vice City before coming San Fierro. Also, she was a member of Brotherhood of Jah Army - but I won't write much about them in 3D Universe.