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Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Contact: Guo Ping Xing is a DLC included in San Andreas Contacts '92 Pack, which is a part of Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes.

Guo Ping Xing, aka "Guppy" is the high-ranking member of the Mountain Cloud Boys, a sub-sect of the San Fierro Triads and is the assistant of Wu Zi Mu, aka "Woozie". For more information, see Guppy in GTA Fandom.

He'll provide various missions about casino manegement and etc. The player can meet Guppy at the maintenance room of The Four Dragons Casino.


Note: These missions can be played after completing last story mission, "End of the Line". You don't have to complete "Breaking the Bank at Caligula's" for these missions.

Two of Clubs[]

Guppy found that one of guests in Four Dragons Casino run away without any payment. So CJ must find him before he perfectly disappears. When CJ passes 4 checkpoint within limited time, that undesired guest can be found at Greenglass College but he'll call his henchmen. Kill all of them then mission will be cleared.

Four of Hearts[]

Guppy tells CJ that Woozie wants to open penthouses at highest floor of Four Dragons Casino, but they should prepare lots of furnitures first. Fortunately, a local furniture company agreed to help Woozie, but they don't have enough employees to carry their products. CJ must convey few containers by using Linerunner to company's garage at Linden Side within limited time.

Eight of Diamonds[]

Guppy notices CJ that mysterious woman wants to tip about her organization, Forelli Family. When CJ answers the phone, an informant says she wants to get away from her family but those members won't let her go so she wants them dead. CJ must visit unnamed casino at Redsands West and kill all Forelli members before they kill an informant. Heather, an informant, thanks to CJ and wants to leave, but CJ suggests her to work for his friend, Woozie. Heather says she'll think about that, but finally she agrees when they arrive at Four Dragons Casino.

Ten of Spades[]

Guppy blames his henchmen because somehow their finance was decreased. One of henchmen thinks Shawn Song, another henchman of Guppy's, must be stolen their profits. When CJ tries to find out by visiting Yellow Bell Golf Course, it was true and Leone Family was escorting him. CJ must leave no witness by killing all bodyguards of Leone Family. After that, Shawn will flee. CJ must chase and kill him, bring moneybag back to Four Dragons Casino.

Queen of Clubs[]

Guppy introduces Heather, who was saved by CJ at previous mission but now is working at Four Dragons Casino. Heather suggests to Guppy and CJ that she knows lots of woman wanting to work at Las Venturas, originally expected to be hired by Forelli Family. CJ should visit and bring those girls from Los Santos and San Fierro to Four Dragons Casino, as many as possible within limited time. But CJ should be careful, because sometimes gangs(Los Santos) or pimps(San Fierro) try to stop him.

Nine of Diamonds[]

Guppy calls CJ that a VIP from east coast wants to meet Woozie. He heard that VIP is a new manager of The Pink Swan and he wants to cooperate with Woozie and Triads. But Woozie doubts their real motive, so CJ must tail the VIP's Elegant until he arrives at his destination and place the bug into his office. CJ must not attract attentions from other people. After that, Zero tells CJ he'll let him know when wiretapping is ready.

Jack of Hearts[]

Zero calls CJ to meet him at Four Dragons Casino. When CJ arrives, Zero lets Guppy and CJ know what he discovered. The wiretapping says those east coast people are trying to assassinate Woozie. CJ must save Woozie and kill assassins within limited time with Triad members including Guppy. After that, Guppy suggests Woozie to escape to Wu Zi Mu's Apartment at Chinatown. CJ should escort Woozie and Guppy while driving Stretch.

The Joker[]

For the peace of The Four Dragons Casino, Guppy asks CJ to kill all Vercetti Gang members hiding at several places of Las Venturas. CJ must visit their hideouts and kill them all. After that, CJ should go Las Venturas Airport and kill Vercetti Gang bodyguards before their boss's jet arrives. Because he takes too many damages, the boss turns his jet away and CJ and San Fierro Triands keep their peace for a while.


  • After completing mission "The Joker", Las Venturas branch of Didier Sachs will be opened next to Four Dragons Casino.
Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes (edit)
Anywhere City
Update Anywhere City Access (Vehicle Missions / Taxi Driver / Mercenaries)
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Inside (Outfits) | Last Man Standing | Upstate Liberty?
Missions Peter Wong | Dustin Darkel | Minnie Wayridge | Barbie River | Genesis Newton
Heists Shoreside Stalemate | Art for Art's Sake
Activities Fashion-Forward
Vice City
Update Vice City Inside (Outfits) | Carrot and Stick
Missions Mr. Black | Steve Scott | Mike Gullick | Yasmin Yellowhorse | Joshua Bishop | Samuel Deever
Heists Birth of Pink Swan | Alpha and Omega
Activities Ocean's Elevation
San Andreas
Update San Andreas Inside | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Sean Johnson | Kendl Johnson | Cesar Vialpando | Guo Ping Xing
Heists Ballas Strikes Back | The Zombotech Heist | Digging the Truth | Death of Pink Swan
Activities Entertain the Dragon
Liberty City
Missions Salvatore Leone | Elliot Ball
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Revelation (Customization / Interaction / Stealth) | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Cousin's Cavalier | Arrival of Avenging Angel | Done in 60 Seconds | Big Picture
Online L.C. Noire Vol.1 | L.C. Noire Vol.2 | (TBA)
Los Santos
Concepts USICO Database (List)
Strikethrough means patches and DLCs being developed or discontinued