Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Contact: Kendl Johnson is a DLC included in San Andreas Contacts '92 Pack, which is a part of Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes.

Kendl Johnson is the younger sister of Grove Street Families member (and the game's protagonist) Carl Johnson and girlfriend of Varrios Los Aztecas gang member Cesar Vialpando. For more information, see Kendl Johnson in GTA Fandom.

She'll provide various missions about legal businesses and etc.


San Fierro[]

Note: These missions can be played after completing mission Deconstruction.



The Blue Sabre[]

Kendl wants to steal several Sabre for chop shopping in their Garage. Though CJ asks to her if she doesn't like Sabre because of their mother, Kendl mocks and blames CJ as coward. CJ should steal 4 Sabre and bring them to Doherty Garage. If players bring vehicles with no crashes, they can earn more rewards.

Lady and the Tram[]

Kendl heard that worker union of King's Tram Terminal started strike so citizens and travelers have lots of complaint. To get small stake, Kendl asks CJ to resolve problem by stopping strike. When CJ meets Ronny, one of union members, he tips CJ that unknown mafia family actually blackmails and controls them from behind the curtain. CJ should find and kill 5 mafia underbosses in several places of San Fierro within time limit.

Las Venturas[]





Los Santos[]








Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes (edit)
Anywhere City
Update Anywhere City Access (Vehicle Missions / Taxi Driver / Mercenaries)
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Inside (Mission Updates / Outfits / Locations) | Last Man Standing | Upstate Liberty?
Missions Peter Wong | Dustin Darkel | Minnie Wayridge | Barbie River | Genesis Newton
Heists Shoreside Stalemate | Art for Art's Sake
Activities Fashion-Forward
Vice City
Update Vice City Inside (Outfits / Locations) | Carrot and Stick
Missions Mr. Black | Steve Scott | Mike Gullick | Yasmin Yellowhorse | Joshua Bishop | Samuel Deever
Heists Birth of Pink Swan | Alpha and Omega
Activities Ocean's Elevation
San Andreas
Update San Andreas Inside | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Sean Johnson | Kendl Johnson | Cesar Vialpando | Guo Ping Xing
Heists Ballas Strikes Back | The Zombotech Heist | Digging the Truth | Death of Pink Swan
Activities Entertain the Dragon
Liberty City
Missions Salvatore Leone | Elliot Ball
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Revelation (Customization / Interaction / Stealth) | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Cousin's Cavalier | Arrival of Avenging Angel | Done in 60 Seconds | Big Picture
Online L.C. Noire Vol.1 | L.C. Noire Vol.2 | (TBA)
Los Santos
Concepts USICO Database (List)
Strikethrough means patches and DLCs being developed or discontinued