Contact: Sean Johnson is a DLC included in San Andreas Contacts '92 Pack, which is a part of Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes.
Sean Johnson, aka "Sweet" is the leader of the Grove Street Families and the older brother of protagonist Carl Johnson. For more information, see Sweet Johnson in GTA Fandom.
He'll provide various missions about gang management and etc.
Note: These missions can be played after completing last story mission, End of the Line.
Homie Sweet Homie[]
After Los Santos Riots were finished, Sweet wanted to reconstruct his communities because drug dealers are still active. CJ must search drug dealers at pointed zone until they're shown and attack him. When CJ clears 3 zones, the mission will be passed.
Romance of Three Kingdoms[]
Shelby Beasley, one of Sweet's girls was introduced by Sweet and they discussed about the way to unite with Seville Boulevard Families(SBF) and Temple Drive Families(TDF). Shelby suggested to Sweet that she knew high-ranked girls in both families, so she could persuade them to talk nice with their friends. CJ should bring Shelby and her two friends to places where they like, but be careful while driving. If CJ makes too many accidents, the mission will be failed.
Player del Seville[]
Sweet told CJ that Shelby tipped him about Boris "Bow-wow" Walker, one of leading members of SBF who likes party with girls. CJ must bring 6 girls to Bow-wow's house at Playa del Seville within time limit. After that Bow-wow will greet CJ.
Joyride at Temple Drive[]
Sweet told CJ that Shelby tipped him about William "Cluster K" Klayton, one of leading members of TDF who wants to show off his tuned sportscar. CJ must win the race with Cluster K and other racers. The course is circuit, started at Temple. After winning at race, Cluster K will admit CJ.
Homie Alone[]
Sweet heard that one of members of Grove Street Families was abducted by rebels in other families, so CJ must save him. At first he's held in warehouse at Ocean Docks, but it was a trap. CJ must go hurry to real place at Mulholland within time limit and save abducted member.
Night Shift[]
Neville "Nutshell" Russell, one of GSF's associates, suggested the burglary at luxury shops of Rodeo. CJ agreed and went Rodeo with Nutshell and 2 GSF members, but they're detected by security guards and Nutshell was killed in shootout. CJ must bring crates as many as he can while 2 GSF members are holding the guards. If two GSF members are dead, mission will be failed.
The Spy Who Loved Me[]
Somehow Sweet started to doubt Shelby because she didn't meet Sweet much and share any thoughts than before. CJ should follow Shelby until she arrives at her location, east end of Las Colinas. When she meets some GSF members and reveals her secret - actually she kept persuading rebels in two other families, but suddenly they got angry and shot her. CJ must kill them before they flee and bring Shelby to nearest hospital, but unfortunately she's too late and dies.
Sweet Dreams[]
Sweet was grieved because of Shelby's death, so CJ should bring Sweet to Shelby's funeral at Vinewood Cemetery. When the funeral is ended in hard rain, the rebels who killed Shelby attacks the funeral with other gangs. CJ must fight with attackers consisted of rebels of GSF, Ballas and Vagos. Notice that they'll bring attacking helicopters as backup.
Side Missions[]
Gang Management[]
After completing "Homie Sweet Homie", Sweet will call CJ about incidents happening in communities and hoods so CJ must solve those problems. It's similiar with Mafiya Work in GTA IV multiplayer, but missions are only activated when CJ agrees by pressing Y(in PC version) while calling or calls to Sweet first via features updated in San Andreas Inside. There's no penalty when players disagree or ignore calls.
There're various events Sweet asks help:
- Interrupt deals of rival gang1
- Escort GSF members to specific locations
- Find and assassinate warlords of rival gang1
- Chase and blast drug delivery vehicles of rival gang1
- Supervise new homies' initiation by helping their goals2
1. Rival gang is always changed in each events. They will be selected among Ballas, Vagos and Russian Mafia.
2. New homies' goals are various - including race battle, rival gangs' dealer hunting, helping revenge, etc.