Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Contact: Steve Scott is a DLC included in Vice City Contacts '86 Pack, which is a part of Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes.

Steve Scott is a film producer at the InterGlobal Films studios in Vice City. For more information, see Steve Scott in GTA Fandom.

Steve Scott will provide various missions about his movies, actors, special effects (especially stunts) and etc.


Note: These missions can be played after completing Steve's last mission, G-Spotlight.

Off The Record[]

A critic promised to write positive review betrayed Scott. Find critic at his office at Little Haiti and ram his car until he surrenders. Don't kill him, but watch out the Haitian gang protecting him.

Subliminal Effect[]

Scott wants to advertise his new porn film, but people think it's obscene. Drive subliminal radio van in various place to advertise subliminally. Watch out the "enlightened" fans trying to attack or steal the van.

Camera Obscura[]

One of Scott's rival studios is making new porn and Scott wants to steal their idea. Go to their studio at west of Little Havana and take photos of their recording. Watch out the patrolling guards but don't kill them.

Ship Theater[]

Players have to drive Scott's ship theater where lots of VIP is watching porn. After leaving at the Ocean Bay Marina, coast guard noticed it and will be trying to arrest them. Lose the cops until "film" ends and arrive Marina.


There're some religious fundamentalists trying to kill Scott's actors. To avoid that and let those fundamentalists satisfied, make up as one of actos of Scott's rival studios, bait fundamentalists to isolated place at Viceport and kill them.

Need Popcorn?[]

One of popcorn companies decided to support Scott secretly but they want to increase their profit first. Collect the checkpoints with the Freeway within time limit in Vice City Beach. There're several jumps and traps in the course.

Poaching the Coach[]

A capable porn 'coach' was exploited by his boss and now he wants to leave his position to anotherd. Persuade him via answering the public telephones - he won't agree until he is assured. After persuasion, save him from the chasers within time limit and bring him to studio.

Babylonian Business[]

A unknown gang is trying to destory the InterGlobal Sutidos. Defense their waves - they'll attack with various weapons including sniper rifle, minigun and RPG-7.

Side Jobs[]

Magical Naughty Tour[]

After completing "Ship Theater", players can drive Scott's ship theaterand earn money based on the time fled from coast guard. Players can select and watch the film before starting this side job at the office of Ocean Bay Marina. If players select longer film, players have to flee longer time but get more money.

Still Need Popcorn?[]

After completing "Need Popcorn?", players can challenge the time trial again. But in this side jobs, jumps and traps will be placed randomly.


Prop collecting[]

For the cost down, Scott wants to "borrow" props from other studio or independant film makers. Collect and bring them to Scott.

Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes (edit)
Anywhere City
Update Anywhere City Access (Vehicle Missions / Taxi Driver / Mercenaries)
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Inside (Mission Updates / Outfits / Locations) | Last Man Standing | Upstate Liberty?
Missions Peter Wong | Dustin Darkel | Minnie Wayridge | Barbie River | Genesis Newton
Heists Shoreside Stalemate | Art for Art's Sake
Activities Fashion-Forward
Vice City
Update Vice City Inside (Outfits / Locations) | Carrot and Stick
Missions Mr. Black | Steve Scott | Mike Gullick | Yasmin Yellowhorse | Joshua Bishop | Samuel Deever
Heists Birth of Pink Swan | Alpha and Omega
Activities Ocean's Elevation
San Andreas
Update San Andreas Inside | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Sean Johnson | Kendl Johnson | Cesar Vialpando | Guo Ping Xing
Heists Ballas Strikes Back | The Zombotech Heist | Digging the Truth | Death of Pink Swan
Activities Entertain the Dragon
Liberty City
Missions Salvatore Leone | Elliot Ball
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Revelation (Customization / Interaction / Stealth) | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Cousin's Cavalier | Arrival of Avenging Angel | Done in 60 Seconds | Big Picture
Online L.C. Noire Vol.1 | L.C. Noire Vol.2 | (TBA)
Los Santos
Concepts USICO Database (List)
Strikethrough means patches and DLCs being developed or discontinued