Derman is an Automobile Manuafacturing and Bodywork company based in Bursa, Turkey.
It's mainly based Otokar and with a vehicle based on Güleryüz.. The player can follow them on
- NQT 'Topkapılı' - A bus based on Otokar Kent
- Sivri - A bus based on Otokar Doruk
- Vector - A bus based on Otokar Vectio
- TPC 'Zero' - A bus based on Otokar Navigo
- Timothy - A bus based on Otokar Territo
- Padişah - A minibus based on Otokar Sultan
- Fermier - A minibus based on Otokar Centro
- Huzur Nova 901 - A bus based on Güleryüz Cobra GL9 L
- Çavuş - A combat vehicle based on Otokar APV
- Spike - A combat vehicle based on Otokar Cobra
- Spike Mk.II - A combat vehicle based on Otokar Cobra 2
- Kayra - A heavy infantry fighting vehicle based on Tulpar IFV
- Zilant - A 4x4 special attack/defense vehicle based on Otokar Akrep
- Komutan - An armoured fighting vehicle based on Otokar Yavuz
- There is an easter egg about these two buses from this company, TPS 'Zero' and Timothy refering to Topsy and Tim, a children book series written by Jean Adamson and Gareth Adamson, who's have been adapted for television thanks to Bevanfield Films and CBeebies.
- Derman appears to have merged with Timur by the time Grand Theft Auto: Nexus City takes place.