Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
“Oi mate, yaggota ciggy ba? Eshay lad less ogggg.”

Dick Rogers is a mentally unstable individual who, ironically, stands as one of the most valued hackers around. A whirlwind of psychological illness and instability, Dick also possesses remarkable savant talents, making him an exceptionally skilled hacker, mechanic, programmer, and engineer... if he has some drugs.

He owns a small car garage in South Eden, Eden City that doubles as his home. Conveniently (or not), the Hoturoa stream flows just outside his "backyard," which he uses for bathing. Unfortunately, this means he always smells horrible, a fact that others never hesitate to bring up.

Despite his quirks, Dick's brilliance makes him an indispensable asset to criminal who can look past his eccentricities.


Dick describes himself as "a poofter's wet dream," with a skinny lanky child-like build which makes him look 15 despite turning 18. Leaning into his self-proclaimed identity with unapologetic flair, he has homemade tattoos of silly doodles on his arms and thighs. Of primarily Australian descent, he adopts a signature outfit that doubles as his only set of clothing, embodying what he proudly calls a "Eshay" look. And of course, he has one of the most killer mullets of all time.

Dick is usually seen rocking a pair of flip-flops—somehow sprinting in them like a pro—or a pair of stolen Eris trainers. He pairs these with a polo shirt, a backwards cap, and his iconic Crevis football shorts, which are clearly way too tight and short for his grown-up build, having outgrown them years ago.

To top it all off, he always slings a Chinese knock-off Bigness bumbag over his shoulder, stuffed with his essentials: a cracked smartphone, a stolen lighter, two mango vapes, and some cigarette butts he picked up on the street.



Tony Adventura

  • He met Adventura abruptly when he was trying to break into his street racing car, the Annis GT-A, not realizing that Adventura was actually in the car at the time, obscured by the dark window tint. Tony lowered the side window and surprised Dick, who had a piece of wire lodged in the door's keyhole. Dick was astonished that he could not break open the car and noted that. They began an unlikely friendship through this event and have known each other closely ever since, with Dick often delivering cars for Adventura to reshape and resell.




Personal Skills


