Duty Calls is the 1st mission in King of the Hill.
The 1st mission in Chapter I: Welcome to Merryweather Security.
Part 1: The New City
July 24, 2013 | 05:00 AM | The Pink Cage Motel, Vinewood.
Miklos woke up in the The Pink Cage Motel, Los Santos, haunted by a nightmare about the death of his best friend in Afghanistan. It was 5 AM, and he had arrived only three hours earlier. Unable to fall back asleep, Miklos decided to head to Fort Zancudo.
He grabbed a Junk Energy can to keep himself awake, climbed into his Baller truck, and turned on the radio. As No Easy Way Out played.
After a long, quiet drive, Miklos arrived at the gates of Fort Zancudo, ready to face whatever awaited him.
Soldier: I'm s-sorry, sir. This area is restricted to civilians.
Miklos: My name is Miklos Lipton. I have a meeting with Sergeant Otto Matic.
The young soldier reaches for his radio, changes channels, and speaks over the RT.
Soldier: Just a moment while I check. Private Dennis Oak here, Sir. There's a person named Mi-kl-os Lipton at the gates. Claims to have arranged a meeting with you... yes... very well, Sir. Right away, Sir. Alright, Mister Lipton. Follow the driveway, and you'll meet Corporal Johnson, who will guide you.
Leaning against a rusted Mesa is Corporal Johnson, a broad-shouldered African American man, his Merryweather cap low over bloodshot eyes. An M4 dangles off his shoulder, the strap loose, like he couldn't be bothered to hold it properly. His dirty tank top clings to his chest, stained with sweat and yesterday’s bad decisions, while camo cargos sag over well-worn military boots.
Johnson: Follow me to the office, keep up.
Miklos and Johnson walk through the fortress to Sergeant Matic's office.
Johnson: So, you're the new guy, huh? Ready to meet the boss?
Miklos: Can't say I've ever been ready to meet someone called Sergeant Matic. He sounds like a walking headache.
Johnson: Headache? That's putting it lightly. He's a nightmare in uniform. But hey, if you can handle him, you might just survive around here.
Miklos: Sounds charming. What's he like?
Johnson: Imagine your drill sergeant from basic, but crank the intensity up to eleven. And don't even think about cracking a joke or he'll have you scrubbing floors with a toothbrush. Been there.
Miklos: Great. Just what I signed up for.
Johnson: Don't worry, rookie. We've all been there. Just remember, the pay is great. Alright, this is it. Good luck in there.
Miklos and Johnson arrive at the office door, he knocks, then opens the door and gestures for Miklos to enter.
Johnson: Mister Mik-, uhh, Mils-... Mister Lipton, Sir!
Matic: Thank you, Corporal... Hello, son.
Miklos: Hi.
Matic: ... Let's try that again.
Miklos: Excuse me?
Matic: From now on, you salute me whenever you see me. Let's try that again. Stand up. Say, "Private Lipton reporting for duty, Sir!"
Miklos stands from the uncomfortable steel chair, sighs, and does a half-ass salute.
Miklos: Private Lipton... reporting for duty... Sir.
Matic: LOUDER!
Miklos: PRIVATE LIPTON REPORTING FOR DUTY, SIR! Hey, I thought this was a job interview!
Matic: It is. It is. I'm just making a head start in teaching you the basics, 'cause I guarantee you're not turning this one down... Mik-los Lip-ton... Quite a file you have. Some real eye candy. You're a good soldier.
Miklos: Some of the information is a bit exaggerated.
Matic: Like this one; You killed 5 enemy snipers with a single bullet?
Miklos: (Rolls his eyes, sarcastically) Well, not with one shot. See, I first shot one sniper, then I took the bullet out of his head, shot the second, and so on, so on. How that worked? Who knows.
Matic: Wouldn't the bullet be unuse-able?
Miklos: It was a well made bullet, I guess...
Matic: Okay... So... Why'd you secede from duty? You hate your country, son?
Miklos: Personal reasons.
Matic: And why would you want this job?
Miklos: Because the only thing I'm good at is killing people.
Matic: Yes. It's good to follow your vocation. Alright. I've heard enough. Just sign these papers here, these NDAs, these clauses... and you're one of us.
Miklos: I still have some questions...
Matic: Yeah, yeah. Just sign... Good! Welcome to Merryweather Security! Now go unpack your stuff at the barracks.
Miklos: Sir, I still have some questions...
Matic: Then come back, and we'll talk. You did good, son, by following your calling to arms. This job pays well.
Miklos: Glad to know, Sir.
Miklos heads to the barracks, his new home away from home. Inside, he finds a neatly made bunk and a simple locker assigned to him, along with a map of the facility pinned on the wall. A brief tutorial introduces the safehouse feature, allowing the player to store weapons, change outfits, and save their progress.
After settling in and changing into his Merryweather gear, Miklos sits on the edge of his bunk, staring at his dog tags, deep in thought. He hopes he can make his old friend proud. The sound of distant drills and the faint chatter of soldiers echo through the barracks, hinting at the challenges to come.
The next mission, Workload, is now unlocked.
- Drive to Fort Zancudo
- Follow Corporal Johnson to Sergeant Matic's office
- Go to your Barracks
- Change into Merryweather fatigues (Optional)
Gold Medal Objectives
- M for Merryweather - Complete the mission in 5:00
- Suit Up - Change into a Merryweather outfit