Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Tyron Greenford Jr., more commonly known as G-Lock, is an African-American gangster from Davis, San Andreas. He is the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto: South Central Heat, an expansion for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas HD.


G-Lock is an African-American gangster from Davis, San Andreas, he is a member of the Grove Street Families. He is best know for beating the case of the triple homicide of three Mexican drug dealers associated with the Vagos and Ballas, he is one of the youngest OG members of GSF, which earned him the nickname, Young OG. G-Lock is known to carry around a Tec-9 auto pistol, with a green bandana wrapped around it, he also carries a Colt M1911A1, which is used for 'special executions'. He is recognizable for his white and green striped polo shirt, black cargo pants, Hinterland boots, and watch and bracelet on his right and left hand respectively.

Early Life[]

G-Lock was born Tyron Greenford Jr., to a Jamaican-born father, and African-American mother. His father, Tyron Greenford Sr. was a well respected member of the Families gang, attending the same school as and being close friends with James Williams, leader of the East Side Families set. Thus, Junior was raised alongside many future OG members of the Families, such as Sweet and Big Smoke. On his 6th birthday his father gave him his first weapon, a Colt M1911A1, he's owned the gun ever since. In the mid 70's, the Families broke into various different sets, one of the sets that came out of the East Side Families, the Grove Street Families, would go on to be one of the biggest gangs in South LS, during this period. Junior was initiated into the Families when he was 11, being from Davis, he joined the Grove Street Families, which was led by Sean 'Sweet' Johnson, aged 17 at the time.

Originally, G-Lock would only sell weed for the gang, oftentimes chilling on the corner of Covenant Avenue, though over time he'd prove his worth and reliability to the gang, scoping an attempted Ballas attack on Grove Street when he was 13 in 1984. He, along with other Grove Street dealers, would secretly sell drugs, such as Crack-Cocaine, and Heroin, despite Sweet advising them against selling Class-A drugs on their streets, though they'd only sell these drugs to non-Families members, and crackheads. This would go on for a few more years until 1986 when he was arrested by an undercover officer.

Time In Prison[]

Lock was arrested on July 10th, 1986, and served 2 years in Bolingbroke Youth Detention Center, despite his short stint, he learned a lot of skills in Prison, such as lockpicking, this was how the name G-Lock was coined, carjacking, burglary, among other skills. He'd said to have come out a lot smarter in Prison than he ever did in school. Lock also built alliances in prison he became close friends with high-ranking Azteca member, Hazer, these alliances were vital for protection from hostile prison gangs such as the Nazi Fraternity and other gangs, such as the Vagos.

1987 robbery and assault incident[]

On December, 19th 1987, an incident broke out in the East Wing of the prison, in which an Azteca member's shoes were stolen by Vagos and Ballas, Hazer initially came to protect the member but was overwhelmed by the group. Lock came to protect Hazer and the member, and proceeded to punch the Ballas member in the face, he had the upper hand in the fight, and the fight was eventually broken up by an officer on the scene. The Ballas and Vagos vowed revenge. At around 10 PM, before the cells were locked up, Lock's and Hazer's cells were both raided by various Vagos and Ballas thugs, Lock was beaten severely and Hazer was temporarily paralyzed, the ringleaders of the attack, Vagos OG, Guapo, and Ballas OG, Cool, cousin of Ballas OG Kane, were soon finished with their sentences, thus executed the attack at the perfect time. Soon after they were released from prison. Lock served the remainder of his sentences and he and Hazer were soon released.

Events of South Central Heat[]

Shortly after the events of the main game, Lock, who had escaped prison with Ryder a few months prior, is now back in Grove Street. He comes back to a GSF that has significantly increased in power, territory, and influence, thanks to CJ. He along with other Groves decide to utilize this new-founded power to start a drug empire outside of South Central.

