Known Sets
053 STE (STE): 53rd & St. Edward Ave, West Woodyard
054 LCN (LCN): 54th & Lincoln Ave, West Woodyard
058 BlockSquad (Insane): 58th & Kingston Ave, Endlewood
Woo World: Endlewood
Moe City: Woodyard
Head World (Insane): Rosedale
Lil Cub Gang (LCG): Robins Park
Liberty City:
KOO Alliance:
4- Trey Outlaw Gang Disciples/Ruxphy Gang Ent: Firefly Projects
Insane Broker Gang Disciples: Firefly Projects
6- Trey Gang Disciples: Beechwood City
Unknown GD's
The Gang Disciples are based on the real life Gangster Disciples.
Champaign (Chicago)
053 STE (STE): Based on 063 STL on 63rd & St. Lawrence Ave in West Woodlawn, Chicago. This is due to similarities in names, locations, and members. 053 STE is located on 53rd & St. Edward Ave in West Woodyard, Champaign which is a play on the location of STL. STE is also at war with WIIK City/ Z Block. This is based on the STL and WIIIC City/ O Block war.
054 LCN (LCN): Based on 064 EBT on 64th & Eberhart Ave in West Woodlawn, Chicago. This is due to similarities in names, location. and members. 054 LCN is located on 54th & Lincoln Ave in West Woodyard, Champaign which is a play on the location of EBT.
058 BlockSquad: Based on 069 BrickSquad on 69th & Eggleston Ave in Englewood, Chicago. This is due to similarities in names, locations, and members. 058 BlockSquad is located on 58th & Kingston Ave in Endlewood, Champaign. This is a play on the location of BrickSquad.
Moe City: Based on Dro City in Woodlawn, Chicago. This is because of similarities in names, locations, and members. Moe City is a big GD set located in Woodyard, Champaign. This is influenced from Dro City being a big GD set in Woodlawn, Chicago.
Insane Cutthroat GD (LCG): Based on PBG in Rogers Park, Chicago. This is due to similarities in names, location, and members. LCG is located in Robins Park, Champaign, which is based on Rogers Park, were PBG is located.
Woo Word: Based on Wuga World, a GD set in Englewood.
Liberty City (New York City)
KOO Alliance in Broker (Brooklyn): Based on the choo alliance in Brooklyn, NY. KOO consists of Families, Ballas, Hustlers, and GD's like choo which consists of crips, bloods, and GD's. KOO means "Killing Off Opps".
4- Trey Outlaw GD/ Ruxphy Gang Ent: Based on the 6- Trey GD's in the Ebbets Field Apartments in Crown Heights. Ruxphy Gang Ent is based on Blixky Gang Ent. Ruxphy comes from the word "ruffian" which means "a violent person". The first "f" in "ruffian" in replace by an x and the second one is changed to "ph" because they are at war with the families and don't want to use the letter "f". This is influenced by the "c" in "blicky" being crossed out because they are at war with the crips and dont like to use the letter "c".
Character Influence
HBG Bird is based on FBG Duck. This is because of similarities in names and gang sets. The "HBG" in his name stands for "Hot Boy Gang" which is influenced from the "FBG" in Duck's name meaning "Fly Boy Gang". Bird is also from the STE set on 53rd which is based on the set Duck comes from which is STL on 63rd. RIP Duck.
King Lil Ray is based on King Lil Jay. This is because of similarities in names and gang sets. Their names are similar and Ray is from the STE set on 53rd which is based on the set Jay is from which is STL on 63rd. Ray is apart of the HBG group which is based on the FBG group that Lil Jay was apart of. He also had a rivalry with rapper Lord Drosa. This is based on the Lil Jay and Chief Keef beef.
Lil Dre is based on Lil Jojo. This is because of similarities in age and gang sets. Dre died at 18 in 2012 which is based on Jojo dying at 18 in 2012. Dre is from the 058 BlockSquad set which is based on the set Jojo is from which is 069 BrickSquad. Dre also had beef with rapper Lord Drosa before he died. This is based on the beef between Jojo and Chief Keef. RIP Jojo
King Joey is based on King Louie. They have similar names and Joey is from Moe city which is based on Dro city which Louie is from.
Young Poppa is based on Young Pappy. This is because of similarities in names and gang sets. Poppa is from the LCG set which is based on the set Pappy is from which is PBG. RIP Pappy
Lil General is based on Lil Mister. RIP Lil Mister
Liberty City:
44Gz is based on 22Gz. This is because of similarities in names and gang sets. 22 is a GD and is apart of Blixky Gang Ent. 44 is a GD and is apart of Ruxphy Gang Ent which is based on Blixky Gang Ent. 44Gz also has beef with rapper Cooka H. This is based on the beef between 22Gz and Sheff G.
Gat Ruxphy is based on Nas Blixky. This is because of Gat being apart of Ruxphy Gang Ent and the close friendship with 44Gz.
Jeff Ruxphy is based on Nick Blixky. This is because of Jeff being apart of Ruxphy Gang Ent, being a loved member of the ruxphys like Nick was to the blixkys, and them both dying similar ways. RIP Nick Blixky.
Spirit Maker is based on Coach Da Ghost.
Reckless Ruxphy is based on Breezy Blixky.
Mik Ruxphy is based on Ryu Blixky.
Terms/Slang and Signs
The G's: Referring to fellow gang members.
PDK: Project Disciple Killer
BK: Balla Killer
FK: Family Killer
NOTOk: NOTO Killer
CPDK: Champaign Police Department Killer (Champaign only)
*Not all GD's use the terms above
On Leroy: Used by GD's to make a promise or merch something on the leader, Leroy.
On Kin: Used by anyone in the Kin Nation to merch something on it.
On GD: To merch or swear on the gang.
Horns: Formed by keeping the middle finger, ring finger, and thumb down and leaving the index and pinky fingers up. This is used by all GD's.
KOO: Formed by making a "K" with the index, middle, and ring fingers. If done correctly, it makes a "K". This is used by any GD's in the koo alliance.
Cracking Deuce: Formed by leaving the index and middle fingers up and the others down then bending them. This is used by any GD's beefing with any PD's.
Cracking L's: Formed by keeping the thumb, index, and pinky fingers down and keeping the middle and ring finger up them bending them. This is used by any GD's beefing with any Ballas.
FamilyK: Formed by sticking out the thumb and index finger and leaving the middle finger straight behind them to create an "F", them spreading the other two out behind it to kind of make an "F" with a "K" behind it. This is used by any GD's beefing with any Families.
Dropping 4: Formed by leaving four fingers up and the thumb down then dropping it upside down. This is used to disrespect any gang in Person Nation.
Dropping B: Formed by creating an "o" like shape with the thumb and index fingers and putting the middle finger on top to create another circle. If done correctly, it should look like a capital "B". They then proceed to drop it sideways. This is used by any GD's beefing with the 051 BD Black Vipers Set.
Dropping NOTO: Formed by keeping the index and middle fingers together while creating an "o" like shape with the ring and thumb fingers, then turning it upside down. This is used by any GD's in the KOO alliance and beefing with NOTO.
See Champaign gang map for names.