Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Grand Theft Auto: Gangland 12S Triad Theme

The 12S Xinxilan Triad (新西蘭, literally means New West Orchid), also known as the "12s", "Twelves" and derogatorily as the "Xins" or "Chings", is the second-largest Chinese triad gang in New Zealand, with illegal or immoral pursuits in the Eden Central intercity area, or Central Business District, as well as turfs and business fronts throughout Eden City.

The 12S dominated the illicit drug trade in Central Eden until the 2000s, operating out of fast-food takeaway shops, illegal gambling lounges, internet cafes, and arcades that serve as fronts for their extensive opium, fentanyl opiates, and heroin trafficking across Eden City and New Zealand. These drugs are sourced directly through their mother chapter's contacts in Hong Kong, ensuring a steady and lucrative supply chain.

The 12S Triad features in Grand Theft Auto: Gangland.


It has never truly been confirmed why this Chinese gang has acquired their 12S nomenclature, though there are many theories both in and out of the triad. One theory suggests it's connected with 12 animals in chinese zodiac. Other suggests it's just originated from address of their very first headquarter.[1]


The 12s Triads have historical roots as a secret ethnic society and trade union originally organized in 19?? to protect their territories and Chinese-owned businesses from theft and rival gang hostilities, as well as to further their unlawful enterprises such as the drug trade with more flexibility.


The 12S Triad is well-known for their sharp and intimidating sense of style, particularly among their upper echelons. Rank-and-file members typically wear sleek, tailored clothing paired with designer accessories, presenting an air of sophistication and wealth that reinforces their dominance in Eden City's underworld.


"One-eyed Tiger" Cheung Caixian

Came from Hong Kong, current Dragonhead.[2] He lost one eye during the fight with the Chinese Triads before arriving in New Zealand.

"Mr. Pot" Pan Jianbing

Pan Jianbing hails from the 12S from mainland China and has steadily risen through the ranks of the New Zealand 12S thanks to his resourcefulness and ambition. A trusted adviser of One-eyed Tiger, however, Jianbing dreams of becoming the Dragonhead himself one day. Pan is actively working to erode Cheung's influence and secure his position as the next Dragonhead. Known as "Mr. Pot," his nickname reflects his signature method of smuggling contraband—concealing drugs, firearms, and explosives within intricately designed "ancient Chinese dynasty" pottery.

Chang Foon

Chang Foon is a highly influential figure within the 12S Triad, serving as the trusted advisor to the Dragonhead and the mastermind behind the organization’s financial operations. While he does not wield the raw power of enforcers like Cheung Caixian or Pan Jianbing, his ability to navigate the world of high finance, politics, and business makes him indispensable to the triad's success. As Caixian’s most trusted advisor, Chang is often the one to mediate disputes within the triad, including the growing power struggle between Cheung and Pan Jianbing.

Puppyface Yulin

Liang "Puppyface" Yulin grew up in the chaotic streets of Eden City, forging early connections in Chinatown, East Eden. Among his childhood friends was Wang "Huángdì" Shen, who would later become his bitter rival as the leader of the Tiny Triangle Crew. Despite their early camaraderie, the two followed starkly different paths. While Wang joined the Tiny Triangle Crew and attempted to rise through brute force, Puppyface climbed the ranks of the 12S Triad with charm and manipulation.

Puppyface initially made a name for himself as a "Ladies' man," exploiting young women from the area. He charmed them, introduced them to drugs, and coerced them into prostitution. This predatory operation drew the attention of Pan Jianbing who saw Puppyface's potential and brought him into the fold. Puppyface quickly rose through the ranks, leveraging his charisma and ruthless pragmatism to become a trusted "Red Pole" enforcer.


It was almost an unspoken rule that most Asian-owned businesses, whether Chinese or otherwise, were historically considered as territories of either the 12S or the Long Zhu Tong, a fact that most rival gangs begrudgingly recognized. However, the rise and influx of other Asian organizations, including the Raizoku, Karibatsu, and the Tiny Triangle Crew, have fractured this dominance. The TTC's rebellion against traditional triad hierarchy has not only weakened the 12S’s hold but has also emboldened other groups to challenge their authority.

This rule no longer applies to Japanese-owned businesses or those of other Asian nations, as rival gangs now vie for influence. For the time being, Asian society is in chaos; most businesses are forced to choose allegiance with one of these gangs or risk becoming targets for extortion and robbery. The increasing violence has drawn the attention of the Eden City Constabulary, who have begun operations to suppress this escalating gang warfare.


"Golden Tiger Restaurant(金虎飯店)" and "Three Stripe Pottery(三線陶器)" are the most prominent businesses of 12S and they have lots of smaller businesses for their legal/illegal profits. Also their Chinese fast food takeaways, "Thoroughly Odd[3] Takeouts(窮奇外賣)" generate a significant portion of the 12S's legitimate business revenue, and are generally the most prized and guarded businesses, with long-spanning Chinese lineages owning each chain.


  • The 12S is inspired by the 14K.


  1. In case of 14K Triad, there're different theories about their name - it's originated from their first members or address.
  2. Dragonhead means boss of triad. See Triad (organized crime) in Wikipedia.
  3. See Four Perils in Wikipedia.

