Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
“Born of darkness, forged in midnight—Cerberus stands unyielding.”
Grand Theft Auto: Gangland Cerberus Theme

Cerberus Security, originally named Cerberus Company, is a private security and military contractor company established in early 2001 by a group of former elite operatives from various international Special Forces units, including Delta Force, Navy SEALs, and the SAS.

Known for their ruthlessness, operational precision, and alleged war crimes, Cerberus quickly built a reputation as one of the most formidable players in the private military industry, other than their competitor, Merryweather Security.

If you can pay, Cerberus will deliver. No questions asked. No loose ends.

Dennis Oak, Otto Matic, and Love Johnson.


Cerberus is an elite private military company specializing in security, high-risk operations, and tactical dominance. Founded in the shadows of conflict, Cerberus has become the go-to solution for corrupt individuals, power-hungry executives, and shadowy governments who require unparalleled firepower and discretion.

In 2015, the company rebranded as The Trifecta Corps LLC, in attempt to get away from their controversial past and reflecting their expansion into three core areas: security, intelligence, and tactical operations.

After Merryweather Security Consulting was barred from operating on American soil in 2023, a decade after Congress controversially approved their operations, many of their high-profile operatives sought refuge in the rising powerhouse of Cerberus Security. Among the most notable defectors were Colonel Otto Matic, a decorated and ruthless strategist, and his trusted team, who brought their expertise to Cerberus's already formidable ranks.

Cerberus has received over 650 contracts from governments across the globe, valued at more than $8 billion. These contracts include strategic partnerships with New Zealand Parliament and Kingdom Yard, solidifying their reputation as the go-to solution for high-stakes security and combat needs.

Cerberus's estimated annual revenue has soared to $1.48 billion, with revenue per soldier reaching an impressive $487,200. These figures not only showcase the company's efficiency but also reflect its dominance in the highly competitive PMC industry.


Otto Matic

Colonel Otto Matic

Carlson O'Neil

“Yeeeeehawww blow it to hell with a grenade and toast marshmallows on the flames. Let's raise some hell, boys!”

Lieutenant Carlson O'Neil is the proverbial black sheep of the infamous O'Neil Brothers, a family of inbred, meth-dealing rednecks from Grapeseed. Unlike his kin, Carlson abandoned the chaos of the family ranch at the age of 18, trading moonshine stills and meth labs for the structured mayhem of Merryweather Security. What he lacked in social refinement, he made up for with a disturbingly natural talent for war games and an insatiable appetite for adrenaline.

In 2023, after Congress pulled the plug on Merryweather's American operations, Carlson followed Colonel Otto Matic and his team to Cerberus Security. With his talents, Carlson became a valuable asset to Cerberus, where his mix of discipline and unpredictability fit right into their shadowy, high-stakes operations.

Love Johnson

“Life's too short to be uptight, ya feel me? I'm just here to smoke, shoot, and make sure none of y'all screw it up.”
Love Johnson

Corporal Love Johnson is the laid-back, weed-smoking wildcard of Merryweather's former ranks and now a key operative in Cerberus Security. Born and raised in Grove Street, Los Santos, Johnson was a proud member of the Grove Street Families before leaving the gang life behind to join Merryweather for a paycheck, a change of pace, and a chance to flex his skills with heavier artillery. Despite his casual demeanor, Johnson is a dangerous man to cross. Cool-headed but unrelenting when the stakes are high.

Johnson's relaxed attitude made him a standout. While his fellow operatives adhered to military rigidity and discipline, Johnson brought a refreshing sense of chill to the barracks. He could often be found in a backwards cap, smoking a joint, and skipping body armor entirely, claiming it "weighs him down." Under Sergeant Otto Matic, he earned a reputation as a natural leader, commanding respect without ever raising his voice, though he could throw hands if the need arose.

Dennis Oak

“Oh hell yeah! This is like Righteous Slaughter 7, but with way better graphics and more screaming! LET'S GO, BABY!!!”
Dennis Oak

Dennis Oak, who joined Cerberus alongside Colonel Otto Matic's team, has only managed to rise to the rank of Private First Class. Despite his enthusiasm, his inexperience and unproven capabilities have kept him firmly in the lower ranks. Truth be told, Cerberus leadership doesn't exactly see him as prime soldier material. Instead, Dennis has unofficially become the gopher of Cerberus, handling all the odd jobs and errands that no one else wants.

Though the higher-ups keep him away from anything remotely high-stakes, Dennis remains convinced that one day he'll get his chance to shine. Until then, he's the guy you call when you need something done, but only if it's simple and can't blow up in his face.

Miklos Lipton

While not officially part of Cerberus, Miklos Lipton, a controversial figure with deep connections in the criminal underworld, serves as a trusted friend and advocate for the organization. Matic's leadership highly values Lipton's network and influence, often supporting his endeavors as they align with their shadowy operations.


  • Cerberus is inspired by Triple Canopy, a PMC and former competitor of Blackwater, whom inspired Merryweather Security.
  • The motto of Cerberus: "Born of darkness, forged in midnight—Cerberus stands unyielding.", draws inspiration from John Milton's poem Il Penseroso, where he describes: "Hence, loathèd Melancholy, Of Cerberus and blackest Midnight born, In Stygian cave forlorn, 'Mongst horrid shapes, and shrieks, and sights unholy.

