Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Roles are special story arcs and skill trees featured in Gangland. Players can strengthen their characters via following each role. Role progression will unlock a broad range of unique gameplay features and role-specific articles, from fashionable clothing items, access to weaponry and equipment, as well as acquiring distinctive gameplay oriented abilities, benefits, and items unique to the chosen roles.

When starting Gangland, the Player must choose one primary role and one secondary role.

Each role has 20 Levels.

Primary Roles


The chosen starter role, or Primary Role, influences that player's whole Gangland experience, and has both positive and negative consequences on the way they play. For example, becoming a Civilian provides the player protection from the Constable, but also makes them prone to be a victim of Criminal's activities.

Secondary Roles

The Secondary Role determines the player's specialization in the Gangland in-game universe. Chosen Primary Role determines what secondary roles available for the player. Having a Criminal primary role, for example, allows the player to pick any secondary role from the Criminal, Civilian/Criminal, and Criminal/Constable (e.g. Gangster, Farmer, Hacker).


  • Businessman "Legit merchant, from mom-and-pop pawn shop to stock magnate."
  • Cleaner "Cleaning service, keeping the city clean from garbage and dead bodies."
  • Collector
  • Drag Racer "Legal racer."
  • Longshoreman "Port worker."
  • Mechanics


  • Conman "Silver tongued liar, subtlety over loud."
  • Doctor "Medical support, taking care of patients and human organs."
  • Fence "Dirty merchant, rewarding and selling hot loots."
  • Farmer "Agricultured, producing fresh vegetables, fruits, and (possibly) narcotic plants."
  • Street Racer "Illegal racer."


  • Assassin "Contact killer for-hire, creative in taking out ordered hits."
  • Bank Robber "Professional thief, preying over high-profile financial institutions."
  • Cat Burglar "Semi-pro thief, lower-profile targets."
  • Drug Dealer
  • Gangster
  • Smuggler


  • Arms Dealer "Gunrunner, cashing in the gang wars through firearms trade."
  • Bully "Intimidator and blackmailer."
  • Hacker "Tech nerds, expert of cutting-edge digital equipments."
  • Saboteur
  • Undercover "Reconnaissance agent, blending in the neighborhoods as police's eyes and ears."


  • Customs
  • Enforcer
  • Detective "Investigator."
  • Traffic Police
  • Mercenary "Ex-military."
  • Watcher


  • Bodyguard "Private security, hired to protect VIPs with all their life."
  • Courier "Delivering package, loots that are prone of moving hands."
  • Journalist
  • Private Detective
  • Vigilante "Bounty hunter, self-employment to serve the civilians."

Combined Roles


