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This is the complete list of Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Gangland.


Weapons play a significant part in the everyday activities featured in Gangland. They are essential for both aggressive and defensive player-versus-player gameplay.

The Player cannot carry an entire arsenal in an invisible inventory and can only carry a limited number of items. Depending on the clothing chosen by the player, they can conceal carry on their person. Openly displaying weapons on the streets can easily result in police action, particularly from the Anti- Defiance Squad, as such, weaponry in all forms are rarely brandished openly. Wearing a coat or carrying a bag allows the player to holster more weapons, including larger calibre weapons like a sawn-off shotgun, while remaining hidden from public view.

However, this comes with risks: if frisked by police, players are far more likely to be arrested for illegal weapons possession. High-caliber firearms are strictly prohibited in New Zealand due to their association with terrorist organizations. Obtaining a legal firearms license is notoriously difficult, leading many criminals to rely on forgeries to acquire them or to forgo them all together.

It is not advisable to be actively carrying or possessing weapons in New Zealand due to the highly illegal nature of most lethal weapons. As a result, most weapons are kept in secret drop points or hidden compartments within safe houses.

List of all Weapons



Fistfights, drunken brawls, and street-side scuffles are common in Gangland and are the primary means of communication between criminals and cops alike. Unarmed is by far the most used, diverse, and technical feature in Gangland, with everything from man-on-man honor-bound fisticuffs to dirty backstabbing king-hits to entire gang vs gang turf beef with gangsters wailing away in alleyways. Players can mold and blend different movesets and techniques into a style that fits their character and can use moves unique to their represented Gang with multiple different and unique fighting styles.

Fighting Styles

Players begin by selecting a primary fighting style for their character, which determines their initial background style of hand-to-hand combat.

Controlled power and precision. Slip and punish.

  • Strengths: High endurance, speed, and quick counters.
  • Weaknesses: Limited to punches, weak blocking, vulnerable to grappling.

Special Moves:

  • Dempsey Roll: A flurry of devastating punches and head movement.
  • Counter Hook: A punishing strike after dodging an attack.
  • Rabbit Punch: Lethal blows to the back of the head.

The no-rules style of the streets. Throw hands and throw down.

  • Strengths: Powerful punches, grapples, and high damage.
  • Weaknesses: Slower attacks and weak against trained opponents.

Special Moves:

  • Headbutt: You'll feel that in the morning.
  • Concrete Slam: Grapple an opponent and slam them into the ground.
  • Pocket Sand: Blind enemies. Must shout "Pocket Sand!"

Traditional technique with deadly precision.

  • Strengths: Well-rounded with fast counters and devastating strikes.
  • Weaknesses: Predictable against grapplers, drains stamina.

Special Moves:

  • Karate Chop: Hiiiyahhh!!!
  • Parry Strike: Absorb an attack and counter instantly.
  • One-Inch Punch: Flow like water.

Fluid strikes with a mix of punches and kicks.

  • Strengths: Long-range strikes and adaptable combos.
  • Weaknesses: Demands stamina; weak against grappling.

Special Moves:

  • Roundhouse Kick: A high-damage spinning kick.
  • Sweep Kick: Knock opponents off their feet.
  • Question Mark: Where'd that come from?

Brutal, no-holds-barred self-defense.

  • Strengths: Excellent at disarming weapons and rapid takedowns.
  • Weaknesses: Less effective in brawls; lower stamina efficiency.

Special Moves:

  • Groin Kick: The ancestors will feel that.
  • Eye Rake: Blinding palm to the eyes.
  • Throat Strike: A quick, high-damage stun attack.

The "Art of Eight Limbs", devastating offense.

  • Strengths: Close-range dominance and high damage.
  • Weaknesses: Weak grappling; slower recovery after heavy attacks.

Special Moves:

  • Flying Knee: A high-damage jumping strike.
  • Elbow Barrage: A rapid series of elbow strikes in the clinch.
  • Tomahawk Elbow: Headsplitter.

Here comes the pain.

  • Strengths: Exceptional grappling, throws, and takedowns.
  • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to long-range strikers.

Special Moves:

  • Chokeslam: Guzzle them by the neck and slam them to the ground.
  • Powerbomb: Lift them high and slam them into the ground.
  • German Suplex: Welcome to Suplex City.

Melee Weapons



The weapon of warriors and movie samurai alike. Slice, dice, and look cool doing it—because sometimes style matters just as much as the kill.


A brutal blade designed for clearing jungles... or enemies. Perfect for those who want to leave a lasting impression or leave a foe dismembered.


Long-bladed sword.


A fast, stylish folding knife that’s easy to conceal and even easier to pull on unsuspecting foes.



A wooden sword that proves you don’t need a blade to break bones. Perfect for when you want to make your point without leaving a bloody mess.


The ultimate multitool: breaking locks, busting crates, or cracking skulls. A must-have for any new thief for a home invasion or when someone needs a reality check.


A Constable’s favorite persuasion tool, now in your hands. Lightweight, compact, and perfect for delivering swift police brutality—your kind of justice.


Irish stereotypical wooden walking stick.

