Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson
This page can only be edited by the owner, approved editors, or staff.

This is a list of Gangs that are featured in Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf.

Crime Syndicates[]

Motorcycle Gangs[]

Street Gangs[]

Gangs in Joliet[]

Gangs in Langlande[]

  • Three-Oh-One - Hmong Street Gang
  • Yamato Crew - Japanese-American Street Racing Gang

Cults and other gangs[]

Gangs in Chippewa[]

  • Jacket Boyz - White supremacist Crime Syndicate
  • Ice Cold Killas - African-American Supremacist gang
  • Scott Mafia - Italian-American Crime Syndicate
  • Almafya - Syrian-American Crime Syndicate
  • Razorz - Black Supremacist Crime Syndicate
  • Daisy Dukes Girlz - All-Female Crime Syndicate
  • Southwest Drug Dealers - Mexican-American Street Gang
  • Spanish Matones - Mexican-American Street Gang

Terrorist Cells[]
