Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

If you wanted to love an African person, then you can make a respectful thing like a nice message card for an African.
— Henry in a Safety Delta advert, 1997

Henry Adler is a British African-Caribbean character featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Living.


Henry was born in United Kingdom to his British African-Caribbean parents in 1970. During his childhood, he is interested of race cars, trucks and mountain bikes.


He worked for the Simtek Team during Tour de France in 1989 and won in first place. He is a great biker who has talked about the Giro di Italia and other racing bike events.

Commentator career[]

In 1994, Henry was the commentator of the Paris to Dakar race, even other sports in the 1990s, such as soccer, tenis, basketball, and other sports in America.

During The Clarkson Show[]

Henry was talking to Clarkson during the show that he likes bicycles. He also mentions some championship events of bicycle racing that he won, such as Tour de France.

He also supports BLM and wants Racism to end, in order to wish African, Asian and other people to be protected and be alright. He also loves most Nioka vehicles, which is given that his favorite brand was Nioka.
