Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

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This is AWACS Scout, keeping you up-to-date with the missiles you've shot and the guys trying to kill you, by the second, live! So stay tuned.
— Carrs to the GTA Online Protagonist in Operation Delta Wing

Joseph "Scout" Korez is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a main character in Grand Theft Auto Online, as part of the Air Superiority update.


Korez was born in Canada. Little is known about Korez's early life, other than that he wanted to become a radio station DJ.

Korez joined the Royal Canadian Air Force and was assigned to pilot cargo planes. He aspired to be assigned to an AWACS aircraft, but was disheartened to learn that the RCAF did not have any. During his career, he learned to pilot several different aircraft, namely the Miljet, by reading operation manuals. After a quiet career, Korez was honorably discharged from the RCAF.

After leaving the RCAF, Korez established Fisher Squadron, a mercenary squadron consisting of fighter pilots. The squadron received dangerous missions, resulting in the deaths of many pilots. At some point, Mayumi Yoshiwara joined the squadron, and the two became friends due to how long Yoshiwara survived in the squadron.

During an unknown mission in Eastern Europe, the squadron was double-crossed by their client, forcing Korez and Mayumi to fight their way out of the region with low fuel, ending with them crash-landing at London Heathrow Airport.

Some time later, Fisher Squadron experienced a severe lack of pilots, resulting in them going dormant for several years. During this time, Korez retired from frontline service, instead working as the squadron's AWACS.

Events of GTA Online[]

In 2022, Fisher Squadron approaches the GTA Online Protagonist with an offer to join their squadron. The player accepts, meeting Korez and Mayumi at Sandy Shores Airfield. After proving their worth by stealing technology from Merryweather, the player is officially inducted into the squadron, using the player's Hangar as their base.

Fisher Squadron is eventually deployed across San Andreas to assist several clients, stopping rival smugglers from operating in the area, allowing the Triads to conduct a high-value trade, assassinating a corrupt billionaire, fighting an overseas cartel, covering a law enforcement operation against a militarized crime syndicate, stopping a rogue Air Force squadron from defecting with sensitive intel, assisting a covert nautical operation, and preventing a false-flag attack from the government. During these operations, Korez acts as the squadron's briefing officer and AWACS.

Afterwards, Fisher Squadron is hired by the San Andreas National Guard to stop terrorists from deploying a WMD. Fisher Squadron and the National Guard deploy to combat the terrorists, with Korez as the joint force's AWACS. The squadron manages to destroy the WMD and defeat the terrorists.

Fisher Squadron still operates, with Korez still as its leader.


Korez's personality is generally serious while working, though he occasionally makes jokes and acts in a less serious manner if nothing is happening. Owing to his initial career choice, Korez often acts like a radio station DJ during sorties. Korez is very dedicated to his job. He is very skilled with aircraft controls, being capable of controlling AWACS systems and piloting his aircraft in quick succession. He is apparently aware of a feature on some aircraft, namely the Miljet, that allows it to completely fly itself, though he does not share it with the player.

Korez is somewhat distant from the player, maintaining a working relationship but otherwise only interacting with them in an official capacity. Mayumi explains this as Korez being wary of pilots possibly being killed in action, and that he is only distant so he is not wracked by the player's potential death. Despite this, Korez is close friends with Mayumi, and the two often have friendly conversations during sorties. Korez is not attracted to Mayumi, and the two share a normal friendship.

Mission Appearances[]

Main article: Sorties


  • The RCAF lacking AWACS is actually true. The RCAF uses AWACS aircraft that are operated by NATO.