The Emperor LandEater is a full-size offroad vehicle appearing in Grand Theft Auto: Nexus City
Design Inspiration[]
The Emperor LandEater is based on the Lexus J201 Concept
- Top Speed: 392km/h (2/10 - W12), 541km/h (3/10 - V14)
- Acceleration (0-100km/h): 4 seconds (8/10)
- Mass: 3 metric tons
- Firepower: N/A
- Range: ∞ (∞/10)
- Speed: 3/10
- Handling: 12/10
- Shield Durability: 1000gsu (60/10) [Default], 10000gsu (600/10) [Maximum]
- Drivetrain: Front Engine, 4-Wheel Drive
- Engines: 1x Enus E12 7.8L Twin-Turbocharged W12 (Base Model),1x Karin KR3 8.2L Naturally Aspirated V14 Diesel Engine (KRAP Tuned)
- Fuel Type: Diesel
- Power Output: 3632bhp @ 7800rpm (W12), 5000bhp @ 10000rpm (V14)
- Redline: 8500rpm (W12), 12000rpm (V14)
- Transmission: Karin/Kusogawa KRAP 12D 12-Speed Dual-Clutch Transmission by Karin & Kusogawa
- Weapon Systems: N/A
- Airbrake Systems: N/A
- Shield Systems: OPT Defender 389 Deflector Shields by OPT
- Infotainment Software: Emperor In-Car Infotainment Computer by Emperor
- Anti-Gravity Motors: N/A
- A modified version of the engine used on this car is used in the OPT Digamma, along with the exact same transmission.