Last Man Standing is a feature included in Liberty City Inside, which is a part of Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes.
In GTA 3, players never lose gangs' hostility after becoming enemy with them. So some players took problems while playing later missions. Therefore this feature is updated for players wanting to explore Liberty City without any danger.
It is inspired by Respect system of GTA 2. But the difference is, players have to kill specific members of gangs which players want to lose their grudge. If players kill them, they'll have fear to Claude and never think revenge.
Notice that there's no target in Upstate Liberty.
If players complete last story mission, "The Exchange", pager message will say 'if you want to save yourself, come to the payphone at the the Cathedral' and the place would be marked with black crosshair icon on yellow background. When players arrive at payphone, a unknown man will explain how to 'reform' the city - kill the 'sinners' and find a new life.
After hanging up, the hit list will be spawned next to the payphone. Players can start these assassination missions by coming into small blue corona at the payphone.
You can check each target's ID in GTA III pedestrian models list. Also, hit list will be updated whenever Claude kills 6 people. If players complete last list, there's no update and reward will be unlocked.
List 1[]
- 1. Chuck Chewston (WORKER1)
Associate of Diablos and repairman of Capital Autos. He helped for stripping salable parts from stolen vehicles. Kill him before he leaves his office. - 2. Katharyn Xu (FATFEMALE02)
Associate of Triads and unknown shop owner. She's arrogant listener of Chatterbox FM and trying to commit terror attack at Head Radio Headquarters with molotov cocktail for silencing the radio host who recently blamed Triads. - 3. Mitch Wall (GANG10)
Member of Uptown Yardies and drug courier. He delivers Yardies' drug from Liberty Campus to Chinatown with olive Perennial. - 4. Jackie Cucombelli (GANG01)
Low officer of Leone Family and enforcer. Recently he got a mission for extorting The Mars Gas Corporation at Atlantic Quoys. Find a Mars Gas Corporation truck and until Dino arrives before killing him. - 5. Shonda Hitlodes (SHOPPER3)
Associate of Leone Family and drugmaker. She usually buys her materials at Supa Save!. If Claude arrives at destination, she will shortly leave the mall with her bodyguards. Kill them all before she escapes with her Landstalker. - 6. Miguel Fernandez (GANG11)
High officer of Colombian Cartel and drug dealer. He owns his gang and sell their drug to community of Rockford. He's going to rob Carson General Hospital for their short supplies. Watch out for their reinforcements.
List 2[]
- 7. Spencer Walton (CONST1)
Ex-associate of Yakuza and leader of construction union. He refused to work for Yakuza anymore and stroke in their factory at Trenton. There're already lots of LCPD in there and if players kill the target, players will get 3-star wanted level. - 8. Lizzy Benjamin (P_WOM2)
Associate of Yardies and girlfriend of King Courtney. She was cornered by Leone Family at her home in Rockford residential zones, so kill the Leone Family and Yardies reinforcements first then the target will get out from her home. - 9. Vanessa Herrera (FEMALE01)
Associate of Leone Family and one of top-class prostitutes. She's working at Luigi's Sex Club 7 but she's actually double agent of Diablos. Tail her until she meets corrupt LCPD officers at Bedford Point, take their photos and kill them before they flee. - 10. Ciro Vialpando (GANG12)
Low officer of Colombian Cartel and manager of car theft operation. He won't be out cars in their list are ready. So bring the Cheetah, Infernus and Banshee to their garage at Newport Multistory Car Park before killing target. - 11. Guy Zecoffin (???)[1]
Executive of Southside Hoods. He was highly respected from Purple Nines and Red Jacks, so both of factions attacks Shoreside Vale Police Station to save him. Kill the target and his guards before they hide into their safehouse at Cedar Grove. - 12. Sidney Smith (unknown)
High officer of Colombian Cartel and lawyer of Rakin and Ponzer. The target provides legal advice to Colombian Cartel and takes lots of profit secretly, but there's no physical information about the target except they likes to take a walk. So players have to search and kill the target at Belleville Park within time limit. Information about target's appearance will be updated via pager until timer goes down.
List 3[]
- 13. Kozo Yamashiro (GANG07)
High officer of Yakuza and associate of Colombian Cartel. He was taking profits secretly via SPANK dealing with Colombian Cartel during Yakuza-Colombian Cartel War. But after it's finally exposed by Asuka's loyalists, he's trying to flee to San Fierro.
He's preparing to transporting his remained SPANKs first with Dodo in his private hangar, so players have to arrive at Francis International Airport and destroy Dodo already taking off within time limit. After that players have to kill target while corrupt LCPD officers bribed by target are arriving as reinforcements. - 14. Robert and Floyd Larrieux (GANG14)
High officers of Purple Nines's remnants and associates of Colombian Cartel. They're being supported by Colombian Cartel and making SPANKs in the construction site at Fort Staunton.
While Red Jacks is attacking the Purple Nines, players have to take the lift undetected and snipe the target and Purple Nines members. - 15. Dr. Helena Hua (HOS_WOM)
High officer of Triads and human organ trafficker. She does her surgery at freight ship far from Torrington. So players must follow Triad member's Reefer but don't blast it until they reveals the location of surgery ship. After being arrived, players have to kill everybody including target and blast the ship before leaving. - 16. Thomas Cucombelli (GANG02)
High officer of Leone Family and Jackie Cucombelli's older brother. He was at Rome when his brother is killed. He's preparing vengeance with his royal bodyguards in Portland Harbor.
Players should go to the top of warehouse for sniping target. But when Claude arrives, it was mafia's trap and they blocked the stairs. Players have to survive and kill mafia members until target finally climbs and makes showdown. - 17. Vincent Courtney (GANG09)
Boss of Uptown Yardies. He fears Claude's revenge after death of Catalian and Lizzy, so he's currently hiding. If players kill enough Yardies members, one of them will reveal that Courtney is hid at Liberty Memorial Coliseum. When players arrive there, Courtney will attack players with SPANK-addicted suicide bombers like before. Players must survive and kill bombers with drive-by attack until Courtney shows himself with his army. - 18. Ricarda Zuluaga (PROSTITUTE)
High officer of Colombian Cartel and treasurer. She was a friend of Catalina and helped her by accounting for SPANK business. She shortly left Liberty City when Catalina was dead, but backed again to rebuild SPANK sales network by making drug factory at Cochrane Dam.
Players have to revisit the middle area of dam, find and blast every SPANK labs hidden among container houses.[2] When all labs are destroyed, target will resist at the helipad. Beware that target has lots of health and escorting helicopters will be repeatedly spawned until the target is dead.
If players kill all people on the list, 'Hostility OFF' option will be unlocked and can be used via going into small blue corona inside of each safehouses.
But this function can be only unlocked after completing main story, based on main storyline. Also this doesn't means that they won't counterattack - if players attack them first, they'll react normally.
- Claude Stand
Complete "Last Man Standing" by killing all sinners.
- Shonda Hitlodes, 5th target, is a pun of shitloads.