Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

The City of Liberty, known as Liberty City , or simply Liberty is a city located in the State of Liberty. The city is located on the Northeast region of the United States of America. It is a major city and the biggest city in its state and country. Liberty City is based on the real life New York City, New York .


There are five boroughs in Liberty City, each having their own unique looks and styles.


The biggest borough in Liberty City by area and holds 31 of the city's 75 neighborhoods. This borough is home to around 1.63 million residents and is the cultural, commercial, and financial center of the world. It is the heart of Liberty City and holds the most famous skyline in the world. Home to most of the landmarks that people come to see including the Rotterdam Tower, the second tallest building in the country. Algonquin is based on the borough of Manhattan, NY

Landmarks include:


The biggest borough in Liberty City by population holding around 2.58 million residents. It holds 12 of the city's 75 neighborhoods. Broker used to be a city on its own until 1898. Broker is very diverse and hold many different people in each neighborhood. Neighborhoods like Hove Beach are home to many Eastern Europeans, Beechwood City is home to many Jamaicans, Schottler is home to many African Americans, and so on. This borough also hold some well known places of interest that people from around the world come to see. Broker is based on the borough of Brooklyn, NY

Landmarks include:


The second biggest borough by land area and population, Dukes is home to around 2.28 million residents and 9 of the 75 neighborhoods in Liberty City. Dukes is situated north of Broker, the only two boroughs to be connected to each other, the rest are separated by water. This borough is where Francis International Airport in located. Dukes also has some places of interest that people may come see when in Liberty City. Dukes is based on the borough of Queens, NY

Places of Interest include:


The smallest borough by land area and population, Bohan houses a population of around 620 thousand residents and 7 of the 75 neighborhoods. This borough is the most deprived and houses the highest crime rates in the city, Bohan is very diverse, with well established Puerto Rican and African American communities in the South Bohan neighborhood, Dominican communities in Fortside, more African American communities in Northern Gardens, and Albanian communities in Little Bay. Bohan is based on The Bronx, NY.

Places of Interest include:

Richmond Island[]

Richmond Island is an island separate from the vicinity and bustling busyness of the rest of the city. This borough is generally more slow-paced than the others, with many suburbs and residential areas, this borough is notable for it's lack of gangs, thus very low crime rate. Many upper-class families and pensioners reside here for a quiet more relaxed life away from the rest of the city. This borough is often forgotten about by people who live outside of the city, due to it's vast contrast to the rest of the city. Many manors, and expensive houses surround the northern half of the island, with southern area being dominated by residential shopping malls, and restaurants,

Places of Interest:
