Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki


Liberty City Revelation (shortly LCR) is free update included in Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes. In this update, numerous new features will be added - safehouses, weapons, interiors and etc.

Content/GTA IV[]


Because original GTA IV and its episodes removed lots of features from the final product, LCR reuses them and adds new contents. It'll be a long road to arrange them...

  • (Nearly) all contents are imported from EFLC.
    • Vehicles
    • Weapons (?)
    • Interiors


This list contains features about movement, driving, combat and etc.

  • Stealth mechanism
    It's inspired by GTA: SA and GTA V. For more information, see Liberty City Revelation/Stealth.
  • Enhanced melee fight
    Now in combat, players have to use combination of buttons in fighting with enemies or QTEs. For the examples of button combinations, see fight scenes in True Crime: Streets of LA.
  • TBA!


This list contains updates in story and side missions.

  • Variant mission objectives
    Now new or different objectives will be required in story missions (and side missions, possibly). Sometimes it requires minor puzzles, QTE and etc. For more information, see Liberty City Revelation/Missions.
  • Variant rewards
    Now players can get different rewards including safehouses, clothes and etc.
  • Mission Replay
    It's imported from TBOGT. But there's no 100% objectives in GTA IV and TLAD. Or maybe we can add them after discussion?
  • New Random characters
    See Strangers and Cranks and its list.
  • TBA!


  • New activities
    Activities in EFLC are imported: Air Hockey, Arm Wrestling, L.C. Cage Fighters and others. Also minor changes are updated - for example, if players succeed in QTE, they don't get drunk in Drinking unlike friends.
  • New clothes
    New clothes and their shops are added. For more information, see Liberty City Revelation/Customization.
  • New interactions
    Players now can interact with various elements by visiting new interiors/exteriors. For more information, see Liberty City Revelation/Interaction.
  • TBA!


It's not confirmed whether GTA IV episodes also should be updated.


  1. Defensor Pacis is a package of side missions about helping shop owners from different problems. After completing Escuela of the Streets, Manny will send text message about this.
Grand Theft Auto: Deleted Scenes (edit)
Anywhere City
Update Anywhere City Access (Vehicle Missions / Taxi Driver / Mercenaries)
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Inside (Outfits) | Last Man Standing | Upstate Liberty?
Missions Peter Wong | Dustin Darkel | Minnie Wayridge | Barbie River | Genesis Newton
Heists Shoreside Stalemate | Art for Art's Sake
Activities Fashion-Forward
Vice City
Update Vice City Inside (Outfits) | Carrot and Stick
Missions Mr. Black | Steve Scott | Mike Gullick | Yasmin Yellowhorse | Joshua Bishop | Samuel Deever
Heists Birth of Pink Swan | Alpha and Omega
Activities Ocean's Elevation
San Andreas
Update San Andreas Inside | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Sean Johnson | Kendl Johnson | Cesar Vialpando | Guo Ping Xing
Heists Ballas Strikes Back | The Zombotech Heist | Digging the Truth | Death of Pink Swan
Activities Entertain the Dragon
Liberty City
Missions Salvatore Leone | Elliot Ball
Liberty City
Update Liberty City Revelation (Customization / Interaction / Stealth) | Strangers and Cranks (List)
Missions Cousin's Cavalier | Arrival of Avenging Angel | Done in 60 Seconds | Big Picture
Online L.C. Noire Vol.1 | L.C. Noire Vol.2 | (TBA)
Los Santos
Concepts USICO Database (List)
Strikethrough means patches and DLCs being developed or discontinued