Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Los Santos Experts are the gang appearing in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Living.


It was founded in 1990 according to LSPD, as they carry weapons and had the same business like The Families. They appear as European-American street gang and they're friendly with The Families. The members of the first appearance in the game is "Pickin' Us Up" where they can be picked by Kevin on a vehicle along with The Families to kill the Ballas on a safehouse. They have the blue, black, white and yellow colors on their gang suits themselfs.

Mission Appearances[]

GTA San Andreas Living[]
  • Pickin' Us Up
  • Slow This Down
  • Maximum Overpass
  • So long, Monstre


  • Like how Los Roujas has a different color on the grafitti, the grafitti of LSE is red and grey, but was supposed to be blue, black, white and yellow.