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Well, unlike you, I'm an ace pilot. So there's that.
— Mayumi to the GTA Online Protagonist in Operation Stock Market

Mayumi "Ditch" Yoshiwara is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a main character in Grand Theft Auto Online, as part of the Air Superiority update.


Mayumi was born in Japan. Little is known about Mayumi's early life.

Mayumi joined the Japan Air Self-Defense Force and was assigned to pilot experimental aircraft in test runs. While most of these were just variants of preexisting aircraft, Mayumi was eventually assigned to fly the X-44 Chojo. During these test flights, Mayumi presented extreme skill with the aircraft, being deemed one of Japan's only "aces", despite having not actually downed any aircraft in combat.

During one test flight, Mayumi's aircraft struck a flock of birds during takeoff, forcing her to eject. The X-44 she was flying at the time managed to glide back down to the runway, resulting in her "Ditch" callsign. Mayumi retired from the JASDF shortly after, and was inexplicably allowed to keep the damaged X-44, which could no longer fly.

Eventually, Mayumi went to the United States. Initially aiming to join Merryweather, Mayumi discovered and promptly joined Fisher Squadron. The squadron received dangerous missions, resulting in the deaths of many pilots; only Mayumi managed to outlive all of them. While there, Mayumi became close friends with the squadron leader, Joseph Korez, and she managed to restore her X-44.

During an unknown mission in Eastern Europe, the squadron was double-crossed by their client, forcing Korez and Mayumi to fight their way out of the region with low fuel, ending with them crash-landing at London Heathrow Airport. Mayumi was flying her X-44 at the time; how she managed to repair it is unknown.

Some time later, Fisher Squadron experienced a severe lack of pilots, with Mayumi being the only fighter pilot in the squadron, resulting in them going dormant for several years.

Events of GTA Online[]

In 2022, Fisher Squadron approaches the GTA Online Protagonist with an offer to join their squadron. The player accepts, meeting Korez and Mayumi at Sandy Shores Airfield. After proving their worth by stealing technology from Merryweather, the player is officially inducted into the squadron, using the player's Hangar as their base.

Fisher Squadron is eventually deployed across San Andreas to assist several clients, stopping rival smugglers from operating in the area, allowing the Triads to conduct a high-value trade, assassinating a corrupt billionaire, fighting an overseas cartel, covering a law enforcement operation against a militarized crime syndicate, stopping a rogue Air Force squadron from defecting with sensitive intel, assisting a covert nautical operation, and preventing a false-flag attack from the government. During these operations, Mayumi may act as the player's wingman.

Afterwards, Fisher Squadron is hired by the San Andreas National Guard to stop terrorists from deploying a WMD. Fisher Squadron and the National Guard deploy to combat the terrorists. The squadron manages to destroy the WMD and defeat the terrorists.

Fisher Squadron still operates, with Mayumi still an active member of the squadron.


Mayumi maintains a balance of cool-headedness and enthusiasm while working. From her manner of speech, Mayumi seems to greatly enjoy flying, and gets excited when facing enemies. She can fly an aircraft with exceptional skill, and is capable of performing advanced combat maneuvers and aerobatics. She views ground- and water-based targets as "boring", preferring to engage air targets instead. She uses her missiles sparingly, mainly using guns in combat.

Mayumi is overall rather sassy towards the player. For the first few sorties the player does with Fisher Squadron, she will brag to the player about her status as an ace pilot, though she will eventually view the player as "sort of equal" to her in later sorties. Mayumi is close friends with Korez, and the two often have friendly conversations during sorties. Mayumi is not attracted to Korez, and the two share a normal friendship.

Mission Appearances[]

Main article: Sorties


  • Mayumi's last name may come from Yoshiwara, a red light district in 17th-century Tokyo.