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New France was a colony in North America from 1534 to 1763.


New France was colony in North America that existed from 1534 up until 1763, when it was ceded to Britain after the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). The capital of New France was Quebec City until it was changed to New Bourbon. This was done for the purpose of trade with neighbouring American countries. New France was divided into three districts, Canada, Acadia, and Lemoyne. With Lemoyne being the largest, and Acadia being the smallest. New France was centred around the Peuplier River, which being the longest river in the continent gave France a head start to trade. Despite this, France's economic dominance in the continent would only last so long, eventually being overtaken by the British. The large colony of France lacked sufficient population and economic resources, to survive in the 18th century, and was formally annexed by Britain after The Treaty of Paris of 1763, concluding The Seven Years War.


New France's beginnings date back to 1534 when Jean Louis was tasked with exploring Northern America in search for Gold, Drugs, and place to settle Drunks. This land would soon be settled by Louis, and would be named Quebec, Quebec would go on to become one of the oldest cities in the continent, though some claim this is lies made up by the "ignorant French" of Quebec. Despite being a settled city, it wouldn't be founded as Quebec, until 1608, by Samuel De Champlain. Many of France's "rejects" would settle in this newly founded city, the region that Quebec was to be called Canada, to why it is named this is, is unknown, but theories suggest many reasons with one being that it derived from the Iroquois word Kanata, meaning village, but the French were to illiterate to spell it out, others being that it was named that so it could be seen as boring compared to that of the USA, this belief is common among Americans.

Quebec would grow slowly and steadily, slightly parallel to it's neighbours, Spain, The Netherlands, and England. As time went on Quebec would be one of the largest cities in North America, and by the 1682, France had decided to extend it's foothold in North America, by expanding southwards, establishing the colony of Lemoyne. This colony would be trade and economy based, though some settlement from French, Acadian, Canadian settlers would take place, with the city of Terre Bleu, and Le Nouvelle-Bourbon, being created in 1699, and 1718, respectively. New Bourbon would go on to be the capital of Lemoyne, and the rest of New France. The growth of Lemoyne wouldn't be as fast as that of Canada's or Acadia's, though this would be made up for through it's financial successes, being located on the Peuplier made Lemoyne the financial and trading capital of New France.

Lemoyne's territory originally consisted of the lower Peuplier Watershed, but after 1717, most of Canada Colony below the Great Lakes would be ceded to Lemoyne, which doubled Lemoyne's size, and now Lemoyne's territory consisted of the entire Peuplier River Drainage Basin. Lemoyne would be divided into two administrative districts, Lower Lemoyne, and Upper Lemoyne, Upper Lemoyne was commonly known by settlers, as Joli Country, this territory would consist of modern-day Joliet, and the more midwestern states in the USA.

Quebec, Capital of the Colony of Canada

Quebec City, Capital of the Colony of Canada, New France, dated 1759.

The colony's expansion past the Huron River would come to a halt after 1730, due to reaching the border of the British and hostile native tribes, the Iroquois Confederacy, in particular thus leading to border disputes between The French, and British colonists and the Native tribes. These wars would see a reduction and eventually complete loss of French possessions in the North American continent.

Colonies and Districts[]


  • Lower Lemoyne
  • Upper Lemoyne (Joli Country)


  • Upper Country


  • Isle Saint-Jean