Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

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To pilots, a life-saving survival tool. To everyone else, the most confusing firearm ever designed.
— Ammu-Nation and Social Club description.

The Coil PSW (Pilot Survival Weapon) is an unlockable weapon featured in Grand Theft Auto Online. It was added as part of the Air Superiority update.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

The weapon is primarily based on the M6 Aircrew Survival Weapon, a combined rifle and shotgun designed to help downed pilots hunt for food and defend themselves from hostile wildlife while awaiting rescue. The stock resembles the collapsible stock on the Benelli M4.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

The PSW appears to attempt to simulate the M6 ASW's combined rifle and shotgun. For a shotgun, the PSW has one of the longest ranges available, with decent yet still good damage. The PSW also has a tight spread, allowing for more precise kills at longer ranges. However, the main drawbacks of the PSW are its small magazine size and its long reload time, which can leave a player out of the fight and at a disadvantage. These factors, combined with its tight spread, make the PSW perfect for stealth kills or sneak attacks, but not much else.


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Rounds & magazines GTA Online


Rounds (18) $60

(Reduces noise and muzzle flash.)

Black Default
Army $5,000
Green $5,250
Orange $5,500
LSPD $5,750
Pink $7,500
Gold $10,000
Platinum $12,500


Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • Can be purchased from Ammu-Nation for $41,000 after the player completes five Sorties as host.


  • The Suppressor attachment for the PSW is a worn oil filter. The oil filter has the Karin logo and heavily faded text that reads "DO NOT ATTACH TO GUN".