Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson
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Leader: Audrey Harding
Type: Christian Extermist Cell
Enemies: FIB
Bureau of Narcotics
Colors: Varies
Vehicles: Varies;
Black Terrorbytes
Red A-Types
White B-Types
Green T-Rex
Yellow Bugs
White Big Bugs
Weapons: Carbine Rifle
Special Carbine
Rocket Launchers
Businesses: Postal Terrorism
Phone Terrorism
Members: Pandora

#PURIFIERS are a Christian Extremist Cell known for their Cyberterrorism.

They feature in Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf and Gangland.


#PURIFIERS first began in the '50s but as a small organisation under the name WXY before becoming a Cyberterrorist cell with extreme Christian views. They known to attack heavy metal singers, LGBT people, and anyone that goes against their views.

Before transitioning into cyberterrorism, their activities primarily involved postal and phone terrorism. As their actions gained notoriety, the group rebranded multiple times, first to *0#, then to YTREWQ with the advent of the internet, before settling on their current name, #PURIFIERS.

The group is relentlessly pursued by the FIB CyberCrime Division. They often recruit anyone with good hacking skills directly from prisons or other inmates. They have also been known to attack murderers be transferring all their money into an offshore account and make it forcing murderers into bankruptcy.


Audrey Harding[]

The leader of the #PURIFIERS, Audrey Harding is a former Lieutenant Governor of Lincoln (2011-2016) who used her political influence to manipulate public opinion while secretly heading the cyberterrorist cell.


A freelance hacker recruited by #PURIFIERS, Pandora gained notoriety for orchestrating the CyberTheft hack on BlueTech.


A mysterious hacker known for targeting those who violate Christian commandments, particularly murderers, thieves, and blasphemers. M4L4C#! is infamous for financially ruining criminals by hacking their bank accounts and leaving them destitute.

Mission appearances[]
