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Arabella Tien

Phía đông Dân Gian/Arabella Tien is set in the 4K Universe.
Property of JackJackson17
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Arabella Tien is the tertiary antagonist of Grand Theft Auto: Songs from the Bayou and the leader of the Phía đông Dân Gian.


Arabella Tien is the calculating, cold, stoic, and undeterred. As a result of Aleksandra Kowalska; interfering in her attempts to kidnap Emily Devereaux; she plotted to have her killed for interference; showing to have a low tolerance for those her interfere in her business ventures. However, she is also known to have a level of respect for her enemies as she refers to Aleksandra as Nurse during all her encounters with her and even maintains 6 metres away from her due to social distancing, and even refers to the police by their ranks unlike most criminals in New Bourbon.


Arabella is a 5'1" tall Vietnamese woman with Dark Golden Brown hair and Amber eyes. She wears a dark green suit complete with a black and blue striped tie, and black shoes, and often keeps her hair held together by lacquered chopsticks. She has a slender build and has a tattoo on the back of her right hand and on her neck along with a mole under the right side of her lip.


Arabella was born in 1971 to her father, Quy Tien on his 20th birthday and her grandfather's 40th birthday. After her father fell in 1992 and forcing her to take over allowing her to rise in power over past 28 years. She was able to disrupt a number of Les Renégats business ventures while the Les Renégats disrupted their business ventures.

Events of Grand Theft Auto: Songs of the Bayou[]

Arabella tasks her most trusted man Lionel Van to kidnap Jean-Luc Devereaux and Emily Devereaux, however, it went wrong after Lionel was forced to delay as the police began arriving when Lionel attempted to go to after him, but Jean-Luc shot at him causing him take cover until he decided that he had to leave due to the pressure from the police. She later sent the Osos after her, but Aleksandra intervene.

After being forced to kill either Navy or Aurora. Arabella messaged Aleksandra to threaten her for her interference with her work.

She finally meets; Aleksandra as they were grabbing bags of ecstasy before the cops raided a Les Renégats warehouse where she goads and antagonises her before firing her White Phosphorous Grenade Launcher into warehouse - setting it ablaze before leaving as Aleksandra Kowalska rushed into save the last of drugs which ultimately caused her to develop Lung Cancer from the burning gases and chemicals.

Mission appearances[]
