Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Whoa now! Careful you don’t kiss the fuckin’ water! We got a word for madlads like you back in the Air Force: we call you comets. You look spectacular, but you always end up in the ground. Don’t make me call you a fuckin’ comet, mate, please. It’s a bad look for the both of us.
— Rodney reporting on the player flying under a bridge in Raton Canyon during Cloudburst 4 – Trailblazers.
Rodney Allen is a character appearing as the deuteragonist of the Mach Limit update in Grand Theft Auto Online.



Rodney served in the Royal Australian Air Force for an indeterminate amount of time, but left due to unknown reasons. At some point after this, he moved to San Andreas where he presumably at some point met Dallas Carson, and the two became relatively close friends.

Events of Grand Theft Auto Online[]

At some point, Rodney gets ahold of the GTA Online Protagonist’s phone number and calls them to discuss a business opportunity. The latter meets him at the Yellow Jack Inn where he discusses the prospect of purchasing the Hudson Island Airbase.


Rodney lends the player one of his personal vehicles, an F-95 Condor, for the purpose of acquiring a V-71 Brigadir that would be given to the player. Rodney arrives in a boat to ship the aircraft to the airbase, meanwhile he asks the player to look for Dallas, a friend of his, and bring him to the airbase, where he would find work.

At some point, Rodney becomes aware of a rival salvage group operating somewhere in the state and is not particularly happy about it. He loses it at Dallas after the latter taxis in a Ko-35 Bullhound, but backpedals when he realises the aircraft could be used to bomb the rival group.

After the player has found the location of a Kumpel carrying some small but important parts, he meets the player outside Los Santos International Airport in his Kamacho, and the two chase down the Kumpel, which is cut short when it gets hit by a Metrotrain.

Exhausted from all the intense work in recent times, Rodney takes a break, or his definition of a break, which involves suicidal stunts through Blaine County. He takes the player with him, seeing as they have also done a lot of work recently.

At some point, Rodney becomes aware of Merryweather Security potentially compromising their operation, so he reluctantly allies your team with the rival salvage group in an effort to dampen Merryweather’s operations.


Rodney, alongside the player and Dallas, are caught off guard when Merryweather launches a counterattack on the group using stealth aircraft. Rodney makes an attempt to pursue them, however this ends up fruitless as the stealth aircraft disappear from radar.

Inspired by Dallas coming back with an R-67 Stalker, he instructs the player to use its infrared scanner to locate the base while he watches remotely. During this, Rodney spots some kind of experimental aircraft, which concerns him.

Rodney, concerned and confused with the experimental aircraft spotted in the scanning, requests the player to infiltrate Merryweather’s base and locate any blueprints.

With the blueprints not alleviating his fear, he supplies the player with explosives from the mainland and helps them rig the explosives around the base.

After some time, Rodney, alongside the player and Dallas, launch an offensive attack on Merryweather. The attack is mostly successful, even after the experimental aircraft is sent into the fray.



Rodney is a relatively slim, blonde individual with short but shaggy hair and a stubble. His skin is very tanned, and he has a tattoo of an F-95 Condor on his right forearm.

When not operating an aircraft, he is seen wearing an open camouflaged leather biker jacket with an F-94 Goose t-shirt, alongside some blue roadworn jeans. His shoes are hiking boots with a black and yellow colouration. When operating an aircraft, this is swapped out for an olive green flight suit (presumably from his air force days, given the Australian flag on it). In all cases, he is wearing a pair of very tinted aviators.


Rodney exhibits an outgoing, social attitude, seeming to work best when with another person. He is not afraid to resort to violence when necessary.

Despite his seemingly easygoing behaviour, he is proactive and able to think on the spot relatively easily.

Mission Appearances[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]


  • Cloudburst 1 – Hostile Acquisition
  • Cloudburst 2 – Bombs Away!
  • Cloudburst 3 – Ground-Level Interception
  • Cloudburst 4 – Trailblazers
  • Cloudburst 5 – Mutual Enemy


  • Skyfall 1 – Paramilitary Intervention
  • Skyfall 2 – Archangel
  • Skyfall 3 – Black Project
  • Skyfall 4 – Display of Power
  • Skyfall 5 – Operation Skyfall