Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
S. Sugiyama features in Grand Theft Auto: Gangland.
“雷鳴と共に 終わりだ...”
“Gone with the sound of thunder...”
Grand Theft Auto: Gangland S. Sugiyama Theme

S. Sugiyama is the leader, current figurehead, and kaicho (会長) of the Raizoku car society, a subgroup of the Izanami-kai yakuza syndicate, established in New Zealand since 2003.

A reserved and private individual, hikikomori like in nature, and a constant avoider of the spotlight, Sugiyama leads the gaudy and raucous car crew from the tinted windows of their prized Annis ZR380.



Sugiyama’s personality is marked by an air of secrecy and restraint. Despite leading a loud and extravagant car crew, they are the polar opposite of their bold, flashy demeanor. Quiet, strategic, and emotionally impenetrable, Sugiyama keeps their thoughts and plans closely guarded, even among those they trust. Their detached leadership style commands respect through action rather than words, with their car roaring louder than any words.

New Zealand Police Database Information

Surname: Sugiyama (semi-confirmed)

Forename: Unknown (possibly starting with the letter "S", unconfirmed)

Gender: Unknown (possibly male, unconfirmed)

Age: Unknown (between 20-24 estimate)

Place of Birth: Japan (possibly)

Known associate of criminal syndicates.

  • {{GLG|Izanami-kaiNikkei]] - Yakuza syndicate, former member, affiliate.
  • Raizoku - Car Society (Drift), current leader.
  • Bounce Riders - Car Society (Lowrider), possible affiliation.

  • Unknown, Japanese Criminal Record unobtainable due to unknown identity.

  • Immigrated to New Zealand from Japan in the early 2000s.
  • Resident of Central Eden, Eden City, New Zealand.
  • Believed to be involved in Organized Crime.
  • Family connections with convicted criminal Hideo Sugiyama (brother).
  • Suspected individual in illicit vehicle imports and aftermarket parts.
  • Known street race enthusiast.
  • Currently unknown identity, possibly using alias and disguises.

  • Quotes

