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Patrol the city alongside Lieutenant Carrs to search for a Yakuza boss.
— Description

SAHP - Ride-Along is a mission in Grand Theft Auto Online given by Lieutenant Carrs to the player. It is available for 1-2 players and was added in The S.A.H.P. Update.


After downloading The S.A.H.P. Update, if the player is Rank 100 or over, they will receive a phone call from "Unknown" asking them to go to Mission Row Police Station, either by themselves or with an associate, and get dressed in a police uniform (the mission's preset outfits).

Upon launching the mission, a cutscene will play where the player(s) are met by Lieutenant Jackson Carrs of the San Andreas Highway Patrol. Carrs explains that, as a result of the unexplained crime wave in Southern San Andreas, the SAHP has been forced to reallocate resources to the region; Carrs himself was reassigned from San Fierro. He warns that, should the SAHP fail to restore order within a month, the state government will deploy the FIB, IAA, NOOSE, and possibly even the military to forcefully restore order; such an action would result in the player's criminal empire collapsing rapidly. He says he came to the player for help because they "weren't on his list", he dislikes the idea of the military doing his job, and because "federal agencies do it too".

The player(s) agree to help Carrs, who suggests they start off by helping him with his current assignment: to prevent the potential expansion of the Yakuza into Los Santos by stopping their local leader, only known as Seiko. He claims that, should Seiko succeed, the player's businesses would suffer, since the Yakuza are known for their violent business takeovers. The only things the SAHP know about Seiko is their name, their car (an orange Armored Kuruma), and that they enjoy street racing. He says that, while he could do this himself, he wants to know he can trust the player(s) with more difficult tasks.

To find Seiko, the player(s) must enter Carrs' Stanier Cruiser Custom with him and respond to the locations of five reported crimes across the city, where he believes Seiko may be:

  • Drug peddling at Legion Square. When the player arrives, they will find two people talking to a dealer near the middle of the square. Upon the player's approach, all three will flee. The player must pursue the dealer on foot; eventually, near the Ammu-Nation, a Police Buffalo will strike the suspect, and the officers will arrest them for the player.
  • Stunt driving at the Maze Bank Arena. When the player arrives, they will find a Banshee, a Gauntlet Classic, a Dominator GTT, and a Dinka Kanjo speeding around the parking lot and doing drifts while being watched by a crowd. Upon arrival, the player will be prompted to sound the cruiser's siren, after which the vehicles will speed away while the crowd will flee on foot. Carrs will advise the player not to go after them, reasoning that it was better in a parking lot than in a busy street.
  • Burglary at Big House Storage Inc.. At the scene, six Professionals armed with Assault Rifles will attack the player. The player must defeat all six enemies, after which a black Granger 3600LX will arrive with four more Professionals as backup; they must be defeated as well.
  • Hit and run on Vinewood Boulevard. At the scene, a Cavalcade will be damaged in an intersection, with the driver dead. Tire tracks at the scene will lead to a damaged Julius at the Up-n-Atom. The driver must be held at gunpoint until LSPD backup arrives to arrest the suspect.

With no leads, Carrs directs the player to drive to the Vanilla Unicorn, as the coffee there is "unusually good". However, upon arriving, Carrs notices a large group of people surrounding several black Osakas, a red Elegy Retro Custom, and an orange Armored Kuruma in the parking lot. A cutscene plays where Carrs goes up to investigate and is immediately fired upon by several members of the group. He uses his .38 Snubnose to kill two gunmen and the Elegy's driver, but the Kuruma speeds away. Carrs rushes back to the car and orders the player(s) to pursue the Kuruma.

The player(s) must chase the Armored Kuruma while they and Carrs eliminate or escape the pursuing Osakas. As the Kuruma is armored and has bulletproof tires, Carrs tells the player to just chase the Kuruma. This pursuit sequence is scripted and has AI-controlled police attempt to assist the player. Eventually, the Kuruma will crash outside the Los Santos Customs on Greenwich Parkway, and Seiko (actually female, embarrassing Carrs, who refers to her as a male throughout the mission) will get out and flee while firing at the player(s) with a Machine Pistol. The player(s) must kill Seiko, eliminate or evade the pursuing Yakuza (two more will spawn in Osakas after the player is 0.5 miles away from the scene), and drive to the Davis Sheriff's Station. There, Carrs will thank the player, hand them an envelope containing cash, and tell them to expect further calls. The player(s) exit the car, and the mission ends.


  • Get in the cruiser.
  • Respond to a call.
  • Go to the Vanilla Unicorn.
  • Chase Seiko.
  • Kill Seiko.
  • Go to the Davis Sheriff's Station.


  • If the player chooses to return to Free Mode afterwards, they will spawn outside the Davis Sheriff's Station.
  • The pursuit section of this mission is heavily scripted. No traffic actually spawns; instead, each vehicle is spawned in a sequence, similar to the traffic in Franklin and Lamar and the subtle approach to The Big Score.
    • When leaving the Vanilla Unicorn onto Innocence Boulevard, a Patriot stops as the pursuit cuts in front of it. Along Innocence is an Esperanto, which yields to the right.
    • A Bus and a Taxi are stopped at the southbound lanes of Innocence when the pursuit turns right onto Adam's Apple Boulevard. An Elegy RH8 is also stopped at the intersection on Adam's Apple.
    • A Police Cruiser intercepts the pursuit and blocks Adam's Apple, forcing the pursuit to turn left onto Elgin Avenue. A Manana, a Tailgater S, a Massacro, and a Bison are stopped in the northbound lanes at the intersection of Elgin and Vespucci Boulevard, but the pursuit goes around them. In the southbound lanes, a Bus yields between Vespucci and San Andreas Avenue.
    • A white Police Buffalo STX with a lightbar exits the Del Perro Freeway from the off-ramp past Swiss Street and blocks the road, and Seiko drifts onto the freeway, taking the turn onto the Los Santos Freeway.
    • Along the Los Santos Freeway, the pursuit overtakes an Asterope, a Bus, a Minivan, an Esperanto, and a Bison. A Patriot, a Manana, and a Rumpo continue down the southbound lanes.
    • Three Police Interceptors set up a roadblock on the Los Santos Freeway and fire at Seiko, who exits onto Vinewood Park Drive and turns left onto Elgin. A Sheriff SUV intercepts from Marlowe Drive, blocking a Vacca from leaving the Vinewood Bowl.
    • The pursuit continues down Elgin and turns right onto Vinewood Boulevard, where the pursuit weaves through traffic, consisting of two Buses, a Stretch, a Patriot, three Taxis, a Massacro, and a Tailgater S. Two Police Buffalos and an Unmarked Cruiser arrive from Eclipse Boulevard and block the road, forcing the pursuit to turn left down Las Lagunas Boulevard.
    • On Las Lagunas, a Police Cruiser attempts to intercept the pursuit from Spanish Avenue but stops too late and hits a Landstalker XL in the northbound lanes. A Bus, a Patriot, and an Asterope cross the road northbound from Dorset Drive. A Rumpo and a Bison are stopped in the southbound lanes at the intersection of Dorset and San Andreas, where the pursuit turns right.
    • No traffic is encountered on San Andreas Avenue, and the pursuit turns left onto Calais Avenue.
    • A Police Buffalo attempts to block the pursuit from Vespucci but stops too late and spins out. Along the road are a Tailgater S, a Massacro, a Bison, a Vacca, and a Mule. A Police Cruiser and an Unmarked Cruiser set up a roadblock at Adam's Apple, keeping the pursuit straight onto Dutch London Street past South Rockford Drive.
    • A Police Buffalo STX, a Police Interceptor, a Police Cruiser, and a Police Transporter set up a roadblock on Dutch London, and the pursuit turns right onto Greenwich Parkway. If the player has not lost the pursuing Osakas, they are scripted to stop at the roadblock and fight the officers, and their blips will disappear from the player's map.
    • On Greenwich, Seiko will speed up greatly before spinning out at the turn and rolling over into the lot at Los Santos Customs, where Seiko exits the Armored Kuruma and the pursuit is terminated.
    • After Carrs tells the player to go to the Davis Sheriff's Station, a Police Interceptor and an FIB Buffalo will respond from both ends of Greenwich and stop at the crash scene. From this point on, traffic will spawn as normal.