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SMALL Thinking is set in the 4K Universe.

SMALL Thinking is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Songs from the Bayou given by Thierry Summer to Aleksandra Kowalska.


Aleksandra approached Thierry Summer as he was with Central on the "island" as Central was feeding him soup. Thierry began telling her that SMALL has a secret compound in Eastern New Bourbon where a number of pets have been suspected to be held out as Central pointed out that several members of SMALL considered themselves "zoophilia activists" and promote that "animals can consent". Aleksandra gagged at Central's comments to which Central shared her sentiments. Thierry asked her if she'd be willing to get more answers for them and that they could gather for the cops to use to have them arrested for countless pet thefts and obscenity. Aleksandra asked if they knew of a potential member of SMALL. Central told her that recorded a woman sitting near SMALL protesters, and learned that her name was Alexis Boone. Aleksandra told Thierry that she'll see what she can do.

Aleksandra began driving as she called Emily Devereaux to see if she can use the Jetmax. After getting permission and she asked her help to locate a woman named Alexis Boone and she gave identified her number and got her to use the trackify app to find her. Aleksandra tracked her to a bar called Rosalie. Aleksandra waited outside for when she went to her car and she spotted her getting in an electric moped called a "Sparky" and followed her to Port of New Bourbon before rushing over to Alistair Square as she took to Jetmax and used trackify to relocate Alexis as she followed her out to a compound near Egrets Pond Bayou which was surrounded by a large floodwall that kept the flooding out. Alexis stopped near a ladder and climbed onto the wall before heading down as Aleksandra went over. Aleksandra spotted Alice Joseph greeting Alexis as one of the SMALL advocators left a complex with a dog as she noticed a pool with a Nile Crocodile it with a second pool with an Australian Saltwater Crocodile. After sneaking further into the compound - she noticed an enclosure with a jaguar in it with another with a Grizzly Bear followed by an enclosure for a polar bear. She proceeded to take pictures of it each as she noticed that Polar Bear's enclosure looked like it was built to specifically built to accommodate a polar bear. She took pictures of the crocodiles and Jaguar before noticing another enclosure. It had a note that implied that they intended to have a lion placed in it. Aleksandra was confused as SMALL opposes zoos and other types of animal-themed ventures.

She proceeded to bolt behind a stack of crates after being almost caught by Alice Joseph. Aleksandra overheard Alice and Alexis talking about the de Beaus not joining them as they were meeting up with the Vice-President as they were working to prove that animals can change diets by trying to make their captured eating vegan-based food, and even prohibited a few calves from suckling for milk as they gave it vegan-based formula. Alexis asked if their dealing with the deviant that attacked their last meeting and has been messing up several of their attempts to bring in Emily Devereaux. Alice explained that she doesn't necessarily agree nor does Arabelle de Beau with bringing a known felon in the group, but the Vice-President said that bringing in someone like Emily will strengthen their resolves as the Vice-President plans to recruit Aleksandra Kowalska soon, but just needed away to bring her in as claiming that Aleksandra doesn't seem to get out much. Alexis told her that she tried to "rescue" the iguana from the "cripple" twice, but it was stolen from her backyard and was stolen again from their "shack" built on the flood. Aleksandra pieced together that she was responsible for stealing Cuddles from Thierry twice as well as realising that the recent war between Les Renégats and Phía đông Dân Gian as well as the actions of the Osos. After Alice and Alexis went in opposite directions as Aleksandra snuck into the main complex.

Aleksandra managed to get into a storage room and found a manifest for which animals they intended to smuggle into the compound. She stowed the manifest before proceeded to start sneaking out the building as the front door suddenly locked as Aleksandra snuck to a side entrance which also locked as she was cornered by SMALL advocators as Alexis spoke with her over the intercom as she simply wanted a talk with her as she was brought to Alexis's office.

Alexis told Aleksandra that they were just trying to change and save the world by giving animals a better option and "freeing" them "oppressors". Aleksandra asked how they were "freeing" them if they were "killing" them and abusing them. She told them that they were not being abused as Aleksandra told her that the animals she had outside head teeth meant for tearing meat and not letting calves drink milk from their mothers was abuse as she told them that she didn't want them having anything animal-related to which Aleksandra told her that human babies drank from breastmilk which Alexis told her that it was different to which Aleksandra told her it wasn't as milk comes animals not matter what type of animal it is and Humans by the definition of the word are also animals. Alexis dismissed her argument and told her she intends to begin indoctrinate the middle-class soon as especially since - she cost the group four of its members before mentioning that their "animals can consent" agenda for zoo pride was their top priority to which Aleksandra proceeded to voice her disgust and Alexis called her a hater as she claimed that she already proved that animals can change their eating habits by putting to seemingly malnourished saltwater crocodile that was swimming in its saltwater pool down below and stated that it was as happy as ever, however, Aleksandra asked whether she was willing to stake her life on their perception as she proceeded to toss her over the edge and directly into the crocodile pool where she soon discovers the truth as the croc proceeded to devour her to shock and disappointment to the other advocates as they realised what happened as Aleksandra rushed to escape and fighting through the advocates.

After getting back to the wall to Emily's Jetmax; Alice Joseph was waiting for her and told her that if she told anyone what they were doing she'd have to admit to killing and murdering people in the compound. Aleksandra agreed with her before shooting her in the head and escaping in the jetmax, and returning to Alistair Square and called Thierry that Alexis was a dead-end and couldn't find the compound. Thierry thanked and told her he'll contact her again when necessary. She said goodbye to him before leaving area.

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