Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
Property of JackJackson17
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The SRS also known as Sex and Reproductive Systems is a company in Canusa that specialises in making drugs to counteract impotency, dysfunctions and other sex-related issues.


The SRS was founded in 1998 and began with the production of Birth Control Pills and even Day After Pills, however, behind their closed doors they would experiment on human "volunteers" that they procure from prisons or even colleges. They even went as far as to use the College of Canusa as a front.

Secretly they began to change their direction from birth control for purposes of preventing unwanted pregnancy to increase the chances of unwanted pregnancies for the purposes experimenting on the fetus.


One of their fronts includes the College of Canusa in which they quietly observe from afar.


Aside from Illegal Experiments - the SRS will also apply themselves in Corporate Espionage and Commercial Bribery. They front as a birth control clinic which they agree to try to help parents end unwanted pregnancy when in reality they steal the fetus, experiment on them, and use a surrogate to continue the pregnancy.


  • Succubus - A brand of medication developed to increase libido all consumers and ovulation in women.
  • ABP - A brand of birth control pills that was developed in the 90s and 00s, and later discontinued.
  • DTB - A brand of Day After Pills that was developed in the 90s and 00s, and later discontinued.
  • V-22 - A brand of medication developed from LSD for erectile dysfunctions often mistaken for succubus.

Mission appearances[]

Grand Theft Auto: RPG[]
