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San Fierro Triads (New Leaf) is set in the 4K Universe.
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The San Fierro Triads (also known as the Nigerian Triads or simply just the Triads) are large prominent gang in San Fierro and are long time allies of Tristan Kirby.


The San Fierro Triads largely consist of Nigerian-Chinese or African-American-Chinese members and while they are referred to the San Fierro Triads; they also operate outside their state borders such as in Lincoln. Adedayo Gong become the "mountain master" after his father died and he assumed the mantle as he moved most of the gang to San Fierro from Nigeria and created the San Fierro branch of the Nigerian Triads before absorbing their parent organisation.

As the Nigerian Triads became known as the San Fierro Triads; it's influence was small but was able to reach even Lincoln. Upon moving to San Fierro; Adedayo recruited mainly African-American-Chinese individuals. Upon moving to the US; Adedayo changed his last name to Gong for unknown reasons.

It comprises of the Blue Nose Tongs, Plaid Wei Tongs, and the Raging Leopard Tongs


The San Fierro Triads only appear in Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf via missions and sometimes are called to assist Tristan and Samantha or they call to help Tristan.


Blue Nose Tongs[]

  • Adedayo's father - former Mountain Master
  • Adedayo Gong - current Mountain Master and leader of Blue Nose Tongs
  • Nasha Gong - Deputy Mountain Master (missing)
  • Wei Jiang - Red Pole and Fence
  • Hao Peng - Red Pole
  • Xīn Shēng - Blue Lantern
  • Cho Hai - Blue Lantern

Plaid Wei Tongs[]

  • Jaime Long - Mountain master of the Plaid Wei Tongs. (? - 1990)
  • Emilio Chan - Deputy mountain master of the Plaid Wei Tongs. (? - 1990)
  • Guillermo Long - Incense Master
  • Mei Long - Vanguard

Raging Leopard Tongs[]

  • Nathaniel Cheng - Mountain Master
  • Samuel Cheng - Deputy Mountain Master

Mission appearance[]

Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf[]

Grand Theft Auto: Life in San Fierro[]


The Blue Nose Tongs of the San Fierro Triads is loosely based on the Bing Kong Tongs and various Chinese-American groups with exception that the 4K Universe San Fierro Triads includes Black Chinese-Americans rather than just non-Black Chinese-Americans as well as Sino-Nigerians, Chinese-Latin Americans, etc. While, the Plaid Wei Tongs is loosely based on the Chung Ching Yee and the Raging Leopard Tongs are based on the Way Ching. The exception is that the Plaid Wei Tongs were mostly Hispanic Chinese-Americans and the Raging Leopard Tongs were mostly Sino-Jewish Americans.
