The State of Leonida is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States of America. Leonida is often noted for the number of illegal immigrants entering through the state from Cuba, as well as some Mexican Provinces. Its largest city is Charleston.
North Leonida[]
- Gulf County
- Presidio (Pensacola)
- Rica City (Panama City)
- Ocean Beach (Fort Walton Beach)
- Martin County
- Fieldtown (Tallahassee)
- Adams (Quincy)
- Johnsville (Crawfordville)
- Madison (Perry)
- Cowford County
- Charleston (Jacksonville)
- Dayton County
- Edmundsville (Gainesville)
- Lakeside Villages (The Villages)
- Oval City (Crescent City)
- Matthias Beach (Daytona Beach)
Central Leonida[]
- Altamonte County
- Semrow (Heathrow)
- Lake Geneva (Lake Mary)
- Nature Forest (Black Hammock Wilderness Area)
- Oviedo Falls (Winter Springs)
- Red County
- Jernigan (Orlando)
- Cottonmouth (Plymouth)
- Vinland (Windermere)
- Summer Estates (Winter Garden)
- Professor Williams (Doctor Phillips)
- James County
- Waterground (Lakeland)
- Nature Wetland Wilderness Preserve (Green Swamp Wilderness Perserve)
- Avilez City (Dade City)
- Shell County
- Tocobaga (Tampa)
- St. Pasco (St. Petersburg)
South Leonida[]
- Haven County
- Fort Abraham (Fort Myers)
- Pozzuoli (Naples)
- La Isla de Mark (Marco Island)
- Vice-Dale County
- Vice Beach (Miami Beach)
- South Vice (South Miami)
- Vice City (Miami)
- Fort Caroline (Fort Lauderdale)
- Broward Beach (Pompano Beach)
- East Calaboose County
- Casa Verde (Boca Raton)
- Calaboose Beach (West Palm Beach)
The Governor of the state as of 2011 is Republican Bradley Cunningham.
The state's junior Senator is Democrat Nelson Rhodes.
- Leonida is based off the real state of Florida.
- During the early-mid 80's Leonida was the drugs, especially Narcotics capital of the USA.