Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki

Cyneley was a hard working, man who loved his job, and more importantly, his family. Let his soul rest in peace for eternity.
— His boss (Downtown Cab Co.) at his funeral in January 2014



Cyneley "Syd" Butler, was born on June 22, 1958 in Vice City, Florida. He was raised by his mother Lynn and his father Carson, in their three bedroom apartment The Midland Hotel, in Vice Point. He grew up with his little brother Cassius (7 year gap), and his sister Vera (same age), as his older sister Shelley (10 year gap) had already moved out with her boyfriend, and moved to Liberty City.

Criminal Life[]

In February of 1972, when he was fourteen-years-old, his mom was sexually assaulted and killed by a member of the Cholos Gang, forcing his dad to take care of Syd and his siblings alone. However, two years later, his dad got married to another woman, by the name of "Cassandra Jones" and she moved in with them.

Syd ran away after this, and went to go join the Cholos, to try and take them down from the inside. He passed the initiation to get in, and ran with them for a couple years, executing hits, robbing stores and banks, until he got a promotion when he was seventeen. He was called into the boss's office, for his promotion.

When he went in, he stabbed the neck of one of the security guards with a pen, took his gun and shot the other one. His boss got down on his knees pleading for mercy. Syd demanded to know who raped and killed his mother, and even threatened to end everyone there...including himself, if his boss doesn't tell him who did it. His boss says it was an enforcer named Mario Gonzalez. Syd demanded to know where Mario lives, and his boss told him he lives in The Midland Hotel, apartment twelve to be exact. Syd thanked him, and jumped out the window behind his boss.

He made his way back to his childhood apartment building, and went up to room twelve. He knocked on the door with his handgun, before kicking it down. He saw a woman with two kids cowering in the corner. He flashed back to when him and his sister were forced to watch his mom get raped. He decides not to go through with the plan, before leaving. Right when he turned around, he saw Mario waiting at the door for him. Mario yelled something at him, before pulling an SMG on him, and threatening him. Syd shot his groin, and kicked Mario to the ground before leaving. He tossed his gun into the ocean, and walking away.

Re-joining Society[]

He started going to night school, to get his high school diploma, and put together a resume. He got his resume together, and applied for the army. It got rejected, due to him initially dropping out of high school, and not going to college. After a couple months of reflecting, he decided to just get a normal job, and be a normal guy. In the fall of 1981 he applied for a job as a taxi driver for Kaufman Cabs. It was excepted, and he got his first job. By the end of 1982 he had enough money to afford a house, and stop staying in a homeless camp. He bought an apartment on Bayshore Avenue, apartment 104, for $154,000. He soon bought a sky blue Admiral.

1984 (Events of GTA: Vice City Stories)[]

One day in 1984, he was sitting on his deck admiring the ocean view, when he saw a Walton pick-up truck pull up across the street. Two men got out of it, one in a white tee shirt and camo cargo pants, another in a leather jacket and jeans. The one in the leather jacket said something to his friend, before getting back in the truck, and driving away. Once he was gone, the friend pulled out a pistol, and started shooting at the gang occupying most of the apartments in the complex. Syd nervously watched from his window, as no one had ever been brave enough to take them on before. He was ready to call the police, when it all of a sudden stopped. He looked back out his window, and saw the man standing there amongst the dead bodies of the gang members. Syd was scared, but at the same time, relieved that the gang was gone for good. He closed his blinds, and got ready for work.

1986 (Events of GTA Vice City)[]

In the summer of 1986, Syd is driving down Washington Street waiting for a call to come in, when his new boss Tommy Vercetti comes over the radio, saying that their arch enemies, Vice City Cabs, won't rival them much longer, as he sabotaged lots of their cars. A couple days later however, Syd is driving down Hoarmont Avenue with a passenger, when a police officer pulls him over. The car pulls over behind him, and the driver gets out.

However, the driver isn't actually a police officer, it's his own personal arch enemy from Vice City Cabs, Jeremy Phisher. He walks up to the door, and taps on the window. Syd rolls it down, and angrily sighs. Jeremy explains that Syd's time at Kaufman Cabs is almost up. Syd asks what he means, and Jeremy says that his friends are already in the process of killing Syd's boss at that moment, and that he would be there if he didn't want to rub it in his face. Jeremy then gets a message on his pager, saying that the plan was a bust, and they need to get out of Florida as a whole, as quickly as possible. Syd gawks, and continues on his work day.


The next twenty years after that, nothing exciting happened, he just lived his normal life. Until September of 2006. He was returning home after a long day of taxi driving, and when he walked in his front door, he saw a man with a pump-action shotgun standing there waiting for him. The man, about twenty years old, with a handlebar mustache and a military fade haircut asked him if he remembers who he is. Syd says no, and that he's never seen him in his life. The man claimed that he's lying and demanded Syd to tell him who he is. The hints he gave him, were "Mario".

Syd realized that this must be Mario Gonzalez' son, out for revenge now. He said that the man is Mario Gonzalez' son. The man said his name is Luigi, and he's going to make sure Syd can never have kids. The man aimed the shotgun at Syd's groin, and asked him if shooting his father's groin was all he had planned to do that night. Syd wanted to lie, and say no, but he was fearful for his life, and admitted the truth. He said he also planned to rape and kill Luigi's mother, just like Mario did to his. Luigi yells in anger, and discharges the shotgun at Syd's feet. He then aims it at Syd's head, just as police arrive. He pushes past Syd and runs out the front door, and gets arrested by the police. After this, Syd decides it's time to leave Vice City, and leave his messed up past behind him.

Los Santos[]

Syd, after careful consideration, decides Los Santos would be the best place to move, and get away from here. He calls his friends and family, telling them he's going to move away, and politely tells his boss he's quitting, to move out West. He asks his boss if Downtown Cab Co. is a good job to get. His boss says that if he wants to continue his job as a taxi driver, than it's perfect...but if not, he jokingly recommends joining a street gang, as they pay well down there. Syd thanks him for all he's done for him the past almost thirty years, and says he'll never forget him.

Two weeks later, he gets on his flight at the Escobar International Airport, and starts his five hour flight to the Los Santos International Airport. When the plane flies over Los Santos, the first thing he can't help noticing, is the size difference from Vice City. He notices the towering buildings in what must be the downtown areas, the huge freeways going in loops, and the iconic Vinewood sign. When the plane lands, he gets off, and hails a cab. He gets on the cab, and asks the driver to take him to a hotel. The driver drops him off at the Bilingsgate Motel, and he registers for a room. He gets the key to the twelfth room on the fifth floor, and he gets settled in. After unpacking his bags, he takes a nap.

The next day, he wakes up, and goes online to order a car. He finds the perfect one on, a forest green Tailgater. In the meantime, while he waits for it do be delivered, he visits and looks for any apartments, within his budget of $456,912. After five minutes of searching, he sees one he falls in love with. There are a few apartments in Dream Tower for sale, so he clicks on apartment 22, on floor four. The payment is a success, and he officially owns a house in Los Santos! He packs up all his stuff again, and gets a cab over to the tower. He walks in, gets the keys to his apartment, and goes up the elevator.

A few minutes later, the elevator stops on his floor, and he heads down the hallway to room 22. Unlocks it, introduces himself to the apartment, and unpacks. Shortly after that, he gets an email, saying that his car has been delivered to the Bilingsgate Motel parking garage. He heads back down the elevator, and gets another cab to the Motel. Once he gets there, he hops in his car, and drives back home. He goes to sleep once he gets there, as it's been a tiresome day, and he wanted to pass out in his new home. The next day however, he opens the map he got from the airport, and looks for the location of the Downtown Cab Co. headquarters.

Once he finds it, he goes in, and asks the receptionist if there are any driver jobs available. She tells him he's in good luck, as a driver just quit after getting heckled, and the boss is looking for someone to replace him. She pages the boss, and tells him there's someone here looking for a job. He says to bring them in, and Syd walks into his office. After a long interview, his application gets accepted, and he's given the keys to a taxi. The boss tells him he starts tomorrow, and better get some sleep, as he starts early.


It was November 30, 2013. He was now a household name around the common taxi-goers of Los Santos, and was in love with a co-worker named Amanda Ursementine. He planned on asking her out at the end of their shifts, but wasn't able to, as his day and life were cut short halfway through. He was driving a man named Franklin to a friends house in Sandy Shores, when they got stopped on Vinewood Boulevard, as a raggedy looking middle-aged man was in a shootout with police. Franklin exclaimed "That motherfucka!", but Syd didn't think anything of it. Syd radioed back to base saying that nobody said anything on the radio about a shootout on Vinewood Boulevard.

Another driver responded to him, saying sorry, and that a man named "Trevor Philips" beat a hooker to death, and started shooting up the sidewalk, and then started shooting at the police. As Syd was pulling a u-turn, the man, Trevor Philips, shot at him with his shotgun, killing him. Franklin got out to yell at Trevor for that, and the last thing Syd saw, was Trevor telling Franklin that he "did it for the laughs", and "hates taxi drivers anyway". Syd's funeral was held in Vice City, as that was his home for decades, and was attended by both of his bosses, some co-workers, his brother, and sisters. His friends and family remember him as a caring, hardworking man.

Notable Family Members[]

Notable Passengers[]
