Grand Theft Auto Fanon Wiki
The Jury of the Damned is set in the 4K Universe.
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The Jury of the Damned is an African-American One-Percenter Outlaw Motorcycle Club that operates in Quentin in which their clubhouse is located while also operating in surrounding areas.


They are loosely based on the Devils Disciples and Highwaymen Motorcycle Clubs.



Demetrius Kenneth was once an active member of the Jury of the Damned where he earned the nickname Grease before turning his life around and leaving the group while still keeping his strong ties and influence in the club.

Events of Grand Theft Auto: Four's a Party[]

Grease offered to talk the bikers for his son, Accer, to deal with the racist hecklers that harass him while working for Station 69, but Accer declined.


  • Demetrius "Grease" Kenneth (formerly/inactive)