United Balla Nation (UBN), also known as the East Coast Ballas, is a street, and prison gang active primarily in the Liberty City metropolitan area. The UBN is the east coast faction of the San Andreas-based Ballas street gang. Their main source of income is the trafficking and sale of illegal drugs.
Known Sets[]
Liberty City:[]
East Liberty Ballas - Middle Park East
Strapped With 9's Ballas - North Bohan
Upstate Killa Ballas - Upstate (not in Liberty City but in the metro area)
Original Alderney Ballas (not in Liberty State but in the UBN Alliance) -
Carcers Island Ballas (first set that was founded under the UBN at Carcers Island prison in 1993, set still has some members though mainly Ballas who are often in and out of the prison) - Carcers Island
NOTO Alliance:
Insane Balla Rillazzz (33 Gangster Ballas): Beechwood City
KOO Alliance:
83 Cap Hat Ballas (83CAP): Firefly Projects
73 Gangster Ballas
The United Balla Nation is based on the real life United Blood Nation.
Liberty City (New York City)[]
NOTO Alliance in Broker (Brooklyn): Based on the WOO and WOOO alliances in Brooklyn. NOTO consists of Families, Ballas, and Hustlers like WOO and WOOO which consists of Crips and Bloods. NOTO means "Never Off The Opps."
KOO Alliance in Broker (Brooklyn): Based on the CHOO alliance in Brooklyn. KOO consists of GD's,Families,Ballas, and Hustlers like CHOO consists of GD's, Crips, and Bloods. KOO means "Killing Off Opps."
Insane Balla Rillazzz/ 33 Gangster Ballas (IBR): Based on the 93 Gangster Bloods in Brooklyn. The name comes from the Ape Gang Bloods and is a play on the word ape. The three "z's" are there for the number "3" and "zzz" is often used to identify sleeping meaning they will put someone to sleep.
83 Cap Hat Ballas (83CAP): Based on the 59 Brim Hat Bloods in Brooklyn. The name is a play off of the name "Brim Hats."
King Ballas (KB) Based on the Makk Balla Bloods in Bronx and All over NYC. This is a play off of the name "Makk Ballas" Makk meaning King or ruler.
Acter (Newark)[]
73 Gangster Ballas: Based on the 793 Bloods in Newark, New Jersey.
Character Influence[]
Shoota C is based on Kooda B.
7even1ne is based on 6ix9ine.
OG Big Dogg (Big Daddy) is based on Notorious B.I.G.
Terms/Slang and Signs[]
FK: Family Killer
GDK: Gang Disciple Killer
KOOk: KOO Killer
NOTOk: NOTO Killer
OG: A well-respected original gangster
Homie/Home Boy/Home Girl: Greeting
L's: Formed by keeping the thumb, index, and pinky fingers down and keeping the middle and ring fingers up resembling two l's. The L's stand for love and loyalty and are used by all Ballas.
Throwing up NOTO: Formed by keeping the index and middle fingers together while creating an "o" like shape with the ring and thumb fingers. This is used by any Ballas in the NOTO alliance.
Throwing up KOO: Formed by making a "K" with the index, middle, and ring fingers. If done correctly, it makes a "K". This is used by any Ballas in the KOO alliance.
FamilyK: Formed by sticking out the thumb and index finger and leaving the middle finger straight behind them to create an "F", them spreading the other two out behind it to kind of make an "F" with a "K" behind it. This is used by any Ballas beefing with any Families.
Dropping Horns: Formed by keeping the middle finger, ring finger, and thumb down and leaving the index and pinky fingers up, then proceeding to flip it upside down. This is used by anybody beefing with GD's.
Dropping NOTO: Formed by keeping the index and middle fingers together while creating an "o" like shape with the ring and thumb fingers, then turning it upside down. This is used by any Ballas in the KOO alliance and beefing with NOTO.
Dropping KOO: Formed by making a "K" with the index, middle, and ring fingers, then dropping it upside down. If done correctly, it makes a "K". This is used by any Ballas in the NOTO alliance and beefing with KOO.