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Vincent Douglas is one of the main antagonists of Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf, the CEO of Douglas Enterprises, and a business magnate. He is also the villainous protagonist of Grand Theft Auto: Life in San Fierro


Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf[]

Vincent is manipulative, controlling, creative, talented, and cunning man as he was able to manipulate Samantha into becoming an artist by making up a faux stalking story to her while trying to mould her into his ideal woman despite knowing full well that his son was dating her and continue to do so after they got married. He uses his talents and creativity in his Douglas Enterprises business in create art and clothing lines.

Vincent is ruthless and will not hesitate to eliminate anyone he deems as a threat whether by corporate sabotage, falsification of a crime, endangering the lives of others, or even straight-up killing his opponent. He is also relentless, unflappable, and undeterred.

Additionally, he can be unreasonable and dangerous when angered as when he was framed for video piracy; he blamed it entirely on Tristan and refused to believe that Samantha would do such a thing to him. This leads into his misogynistic view in that he doesn't that believe in rejection and that he is "owed" dedication from his affection towards. As such he genuinely believes that Samantha would never act against.

Grand Theft Auto: Life in San Fierro[]

Years before meeting Samantha; he was a rather creative and talented individual who attempted to start his own studios several times. He was always relentless in his objectives, unflappable, and undeterred.

He had a keen eye for detail which allowed him to produce near perfect imitations of the paintings such as the Despair.

Similar to as he is later in life, Vincent can be dangerous and unreasonable when angered such as going out of his way to hunt the Nguyen Boys for stealing his imitation painting of the Despair in which Benjamin failed to reason with him to not go after him and upon nearly being killed by a group of assassins resulted Vincent becoming wrathful and went on a destructive rampage that resulted in the destruction of an Inn and a Shed on Port 80 both of which were being used by Nguyens simply due to the Nguyens having worked for his attempted assassin.

Additionally, he was somewhat misogynistic as was always dismissive of the interests and opinions of women.



Vincent first began Douglas Enterprises as an Imitation Artist as he created all the art himself and sold the art to buyers before eventually.

Grand Theft Auto: Life in San Fierro[]

Vincent arrives in San Fierro via ferry in order to meet with an art appraiser - Benjamin Bien-Aimee. Upon arrival - he received a Cheetah classic as gift in which he assumed Benjamin gifted him but was unable to thank due to Benjamin interrupting him. Later - his imitation painting of the Despair was stolen by the Nguyen Boys prompting Vincent to go on a manhunt after the Nguyen Boys to receive given that Benjamin declared that it was worth $100,900 based on its quality and being a near perfect imitation of the real Edvard painting.


Sometime after the events of Life in San Fierro - his influence began to grow along with his reputation for his fierceness becoming an Art & Design Baron as he slowly transformed himself into a business magnate.

By the time; his son was made Assistant CFO in 2010 when he was 16 but the title was simply complimentary as he didn't allow his son to work in areas that would violate child labour laws and instead had him sell Newspapers. Vincent kept his son's relationship with Samantha - who was four years older than him - a secret for them until they began admitting their relationship in 2012 and treating it as a recent thing.

In 2012; Enzo and Samantha married one another and began working with each as Enzo was CFO and Samantha become assistant CFO. Vincent still longed after Samantha and tried to spend more time with her by making her Chief of the Art Department while she began to suspect Vincent's attraction to her. Samantha's suspicion on Vincent's attraction and manipulative tactics is suggested to have contributed to her leave Douglas Enterprises without a word to Vincent.

Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf[]

In 2018 after Enzo and Samantha left San Fierro with Tristan; he became enraged and did everything he could to get them under his thumb again but buying the pizza restaurant that Enzo worked for and paying a hacker to blackmail Samantha into getting a job as a waitress. However, he fails both times to try and control the two as Enzo quit his job and Samantha got the hacker arrested.

After being threatened by Tristan; he tried to have him arrested and sent to prison for causing them to move by framing him for an unknown crime.

He contacts Tristan later while he heads to the Open/Close Club and again by email to find out about Samantha before being contacted by Tristan to find out Caroline's location.

He contacts Samantha to get her to see him and sends her on a wild goose chase to find a blackmailer by first saying it is a member of the Kloud Krew, later pinning the blame on Tristan, and then trying to make his own out to be the blackmailer. However, they are all proved innocent. After; he buys Samantha and Enzo a mansion before handing over the deed to them before sending threats to the Kloud Krew so that Samantha would act in self-defence in order to kill them.

After he sends an email to her boss at BlueTech in order to get him to fire her and have her work for him, but it backfires when she plots revenge on her and has Tristan trash his car while he is back in San Fierro. He reveals that he sent the hacker to get her to quit her job and that having her fired is a result of her refusal and tries to use the deaths of Kloud Krew in her home as leverage against her but the evidence as already been destroyed and is unable to do so.

She manages to frame him for piracy with the help of Tristan, Enzo, and a professional framer - causing him to receive jail time until it evidence was proven to be caused by a third-party wishing to frame him.

Vincent once again interfered with Samantha's choice of profession after learning of her affiliation with the FIB CyberCrime Division. Vincent warned Samantha that he didn't approve of such a "dangerous" profession and asked her to quit.

As a result of her refusal; Vincent paid Audrey Harding to disguise some fighters of #PURIFIERS as FIB Agents and attack Cecilia Cassidy and Samantha Douglas in order to frame Cecilia for murder but also left the option of Samantha being given a chance to be let off by twisting the events to make it seem like Sam was only following orders, but of course, Sam chose to go on the run with Cecilia instead.

Out of frustration of Samantha's repeated refusal to play ball; Vincent forged documents in order to have Isaac betray Tristan Kirby as well as worked with Audrey Harding to try to persuade her to live the FIB, however, despite his attempts she refused causing her to become wanted for terrorism and several other crimes.

Angered; he began harassing Tristan and even selling him out to the Open/Close MC causing him to be tortured by Hunter Greyson, however, Tristan was able to survive the ordeal and align himself with the Devil's Advocates Motorcycle Club.

Vincent Douglas reign of terror is brought to in either final mission in which he was killed by either Samantha Douglas and Enzo Douglas, just Samantha, or Tristan Kirby.

Mission appearances[]

Grand Theft Auto: New Leaf[]

Grand Theft Auto: Life in San Fierro[]

As a character in Grand Theft Auto: Life in San Fierro - he appears in the following missions.

  1. Imitation is The Sincerest Form of Flattery (Boss, Vincent only)
  2. Despair (Boss, Vincent only)
  3. Uncalculated Risk (Boss, Vincent only)
  4. Who's Calling Me? (Vincent only)
  5. I am Vincent Douglas (Boss, Vincent only)
  6. Solo Negocios (Vincent only)
  7. Suministro Líneas... (Vincent only)
  8. Riding Shotgun (Vincent only)
  9. Sayonara Shin (Vincent only)
  10. Say Pizza to Drugs and Yes to No (Vincent only)
  11. No Thanks to Hao (Vincent only)
  12. Treasure City

Murders committed by Vincent Douglas[]

  • Tai Cam - Murdered for stealing his painting.
  • Rick Cassidy - Murdered for trying to underpay him for his imitation paint of the Despair and refusing to tell him who paid him to do so.
  • Kiệt Dam - Murdered on the orders of Adedayo Gong
  • Cristóbal Ferrera Mendez - Murdered on the orders of Adedayo Gong
  • Shin Koshinuke - Murdered on the orders of Adedayo Gong for Yakuza dealers selling drugs on Triad territory.


  • Vincent Douglas is loosely based on Bill Spencer from Bold and the Beautiful.
    • Both have children that have a similar name to theirs; Will and Liam a both short for William with Bill being a common nickname with Vincenzo being an Italian version of Vincent.
    • Both are rich CEOs of a fashion company.
    • Both attempt to manipulate events in order to take their sons' wife. Bill went out of his to try and win Steffy's affections while Vincent actively disregards his own son in order to pursue Samantha Douglas.
  • However, unlike Bill Spencer; Vincent has no qualms in using, eliminating, or ruin the lives of innocent people.
  • In the 4K Universe - he holds the distinguish being a main antagonist in one story and protagonist in another.